Project description:Illumina HiSeq technology was used to generate mRNA profiles from Suillus luteus ectomycorrhizal roots compared to free-living mycelium . Mycorrhizal roots were harvested after 40 days, pooled and used for RNA extraction. Reads of 2X100bp were generated and aligned to Suillus luteus ( using CLC Genomics Workbench 6.
Project description:Illumina HiSeq technology was used to generate mRNA profiles from Suillus luteus ectomycorrhizal roots compared to free-living mycelium . Mycorrhizal roots were harvested after 40 days, pooled and used for RNA extraction. Reads of 2X100bp were generated and aligned to Suillus luteus ( using CLC Genomics Workbench 6. mRNA profiles from Suillus luteus ectomycorrhizal roots and free-living mycelium were generated by paired-end (2x100bp) Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencing. Two biological replicates were sequenced for mycorrhizal and mycelium samples.
Project description:The central part of Brazil, consisting mostly of the Cerrado Biome, is considered to be the new frontier for increasing Brazilian wheat production. However, rainfed wheat production in that area must cope with drought stress. In order to better understand the drought response, we analyzed the mRNA profiling under drought in roots and leaves of the cultivar MGS1 Aliança (a well-adapted cultivar to the Cerrado). We identified 4,422 candidate genes in roots and leaves.
Project description:We studied transcriptional regulations under drought stress of wheat roots in genotype "Opata" over two biological replicates. We imposed severe drought stress down to nearly permanent wilting point and flash frozen the roots of opata.