Project description:We performed a deep, comparative metaproteomics study on three aerobic granular sludge wastewater treatment communities to determine the core microbiome and the occurrence and relative abundance of the central nutrient-removing organisms. Our systematic study underscores the importance of metaproteomics when characterizing complex microbiomes, and the necessity of accurate reference sequence databases to improve the comparison between studies and omics approaches.
Project description:Membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems are typically known different from conventional activated sludge (CAS) systems in operational parameters, while current knowledge of their microbial differentiations is barely sufficient. To this end, the current study was launched to address the differences of the overall functional genes of an oxidation ditch (OD) and an MBR running parallelly at full-scale using a functional gene array-GeoChip 4.2. Two full-scale wastewater treatment systems applying the processes of oxidation ditch (OD) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) were investigated. They treated identical wastewater at the same scale. 12 mixed-liquor suspended sludge (MLSS) samples collected daily on 12 consecutive days from each system were analyzed by GeoChip 4.2.
Project description:The transcriptome analysis by the human DNA microarray was applied to evaluate the impacts of whole wastewater effluents from the membrane bioreactors (MBRs) and the activated sludge process (AS), on the biological processes of human hepatoma HepG2 cells. The three conventional bioassays (i.e., cytotoxicity tests and bioluminescence inhibition test) and chemical analysis of the domestic effluent standards were conducted in parallel since they are well-established methods with previous applications to wastewater. A significant variation of effluent quality was sdemonstrated among the tested effluents despite that all effluents met the 40 national effluent standards. The three conventional bioassays supported the result of the transcriptome analysis, indicating the comparable or even higher sensitivity of the new assay. The most superior effluent quality was found in the MBR operated at a relatively long sludge retention time (i.e., 40 days) and small membrane pore size (i.e., 0.03 M-NM-<m). In addition, functional analysis of the differentially expressed genes revealed that the effluents made various impacts on the cellular functions, suggesting the transcriptome analysis by DNA microarray as more comprehensive, rapid and sensitive tool to detect multiple impacts of the whole effluents. Moreover, the potential genetic markers were proposed to quantitatively evaluate the treatability of the wastewater effluents. In this study, we examined the gene expression alteration in human hepatoma cell line, HepG2 exposed to the raw wastewater, effluents from three types of membrane bioreactors (MBRs), and the activated sludge process. Wastewater DNA microarray with 8795 human genes. MQ water was used as control. For duplicate, two dishes were prepared for each sample and individually treated in parallel.