Project description:The transcriptional activity of the TEAD4 trascription factor requires co-activators. In this study we found that the expression of the TEAD coactivator VGLL1 is repressed in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer but upon resistance to endocrine threapies VGLL1 is expressed to high levels. To elucidate the importance of the coactivator VGLL1 in breast cancer cells resistant to endocrine therapies and to identify the VGLL1 target genes, we performed ChIP-seq for VGLL1 in MCF7 breast cancer cells resistant to fulvestrant (FULVR) and ChiP-seq for TEAD4 in FULVR cells and the isogenic MCF7 cells.
Project description:To investigate the function of VGLL1 in breast cancer and its role in the resistance to endocrine therapies we generated stable MCF7 cells overexpressing VGLL1 using CRISPR/Cas9 Synergistic Activation Mediator (SAM) method (MCF7 ActCas9-VGLL1 cells). MCF7 ActCas9-VGLL1 cells were also cultured in the presence of fulvestrant 100nmM or 1µM to develop fulvestrant resistant cells (MCF7 ActCas9-VGLL1-FULVR) and RNA-seq was performed in the different cell lines.