Project description:Polyporus umbellatus sclerotia are medicinal tissue, but little is known about acetylome of sclerotia generated from hyphae. Acetylated peptides in P. umbellatus were enriched by anti-acetyl-lysine antibody beaded agarose and DDA data were acquired by AB Triple TOF 5600+. Raw data were analyzed by ProteinPilot software to obtained acetylated peptides and proteins, and carried out bioinformatics analysis.
Project description:Polyporus umbellatus sclerotia are medicinal tissue, but little is known about acetylome of sclerotia generated from hyphae. Based on acetylome analysis results and expression levels of targeted protein that associated with sclerotia generation were verified by PRM using Orbitrap Fusion (Thermo-Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA) mass spectrometer equipped with a nanospray Flex Ion Source and the UltiMate3000 RSLC nano (Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA).
Project description:Transcriptomic Profiling of Candidate Genes during Fruiting Bodies Formation from Polyporus umbellatus Sclerotia in Cultivating Field