Project description:Phenylethanol-resistant S. cerevisiae mutants were obtained by using evolutionary engineering strategy. Briefly, a chemically mutagenized culture was used as the initial population for the selection procedure. Gradually increasing levels of phenylethanol stress was applied through 56 successive batch cultivations. Individual mutants were selected from the final population. The mutant with the highest phenylethanol resistance could resist up to 3 g/L phenylethanol concentrations. Whole-genome transcriptomic analyses of the phenylethanol-resistant mutant strain and the reference strain were performed by using DNA microarray technology, in the absence of phenylethanol stress.
Project description:A 3 x 2 factorial design was used to elucidate the genome-wide transcriptional response to the deletion of yeast ortholog of Wilson and Menkes disease causing gene; CCC2, at changing copper levels. Homozygous deletion mutant of CCC2, which encodes Cu+2 transporting P-type ATPase required to export copper from the cytosol into the extracytosolic compartment, and the reference strain were cultivated in fully controlled fermenters in duplicates in glucose-rich defined medium containing three different levels of copper. The three different copper concentrations were selected such that; copper deficient condition, which was prepared by excluding the CuSO4.7H2O from the defined medium, low copper or adequate copper concentration, which is the standard amount of copper in defined medium (0.04 ?M) and high copper concentration (0.5 mM), which was able to restore respiration deficiency in ccc2?/ccc2? strain.
Project description:Bacillus subtilis has different response systems to cope with external and internal stressors. In this study, we investigated the effect of phosphosugar stress caused by accumulation of phosphosugars in B. subtilis. To do so, manA, the encoding gene of mannose-6-phosphate isomerase, was deleted in B. subtilis KM0 to construct strain KM642. Next, strains KM0 and KM642 were cultured in LB with 1% mannose and the cell pellets were isolated after 3.5 h of incubation at 37 °C for transcriptome analysis by RNA-Seq. Differential gene expression analysis was performed based on the RNA-Seq data generated by paired end sequencing (2 x 75nt read length) of Illumina TruSeq stranded mRNA-cDNA libraries on Illumina MiSeq system from control strain and manA deletion mutant.
Project description:The aim of present study is to understand the impact of xylose utilization on the Saccharomyces cerevisiae physiology after initial genetic engineering and in a strain with an improved xylose utilization phenotype.
Project description:The polyploid S. cerevisiae karyotypes were analyzed by array-CGH to identify the deletion or duplication of gene or chromosome during the strain construction and after experimental evolution.
Project description:Phenylethanol-resistant S. cerevisiae mutants were obtained by using evolutionary engineering strategy. Briefly, a chemically mutagenized culture was used as the initial population for the selection procedure. Gradually increasing levels of phenylethanol stress was applied through 56 successive batch cultivations. Individual mutants were selected from the final population. The mutant with the highest phenylethanol resistance could resist up to 3 g/L phenylethanol concentrations. Whole-genome transcriptomic analyses of the phenylethanol-resistant mutant strain and the reference strain were performed by using DNA microarray technology, in the absence of phenylethanol stress. Agilent yeast DNA microarray systems were used for whole-genome transcriptomic analyses of the reference strain and the selected phenylethanol-resistant mutant. Three replicates of each culture were grown in 100 mL yeast minimal medium using 500 mL flasks, at 30°C and 150 rpm. Cells at logarithmic phase of growth (~1.0 OD600) were used for total RNA isolation.
Project description:Bacillus subtilis phosphorylates sugars during or after their transport into the cell.Perturbation in the conversion of intracellular phosphosugars to the central carbon metabolitesand accumulation of phosphosugars can impose stress on the cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of phosphosugar stress on B. subtilis. Preliminary experiments indicated that the non-matabolizable analogs of glucose were unable to impose stress on B. subtilis. In contrast, deletion of manA encoding mannose 6-phosphate isomerase (responsible for conversion of mannose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate) resulted in growth arrest and bulged cell shape in the medium containing mannose. Besides, an operon encoding a repressor (GlcR) and a haloic acid dehalogenase (HAD)-like phosphatase (PhoC; previously YwpJ) were upregulated. Integration of the PglcR-lacZ cassette into different mutational backgrounds indicated that PglcR is induced when (i) a manA-deficient strain is cultured with mannose or (ii) when glcR is deleted.GlcR represses the transcription of glcR-phoC bybinding to the A-type core elements of PglcR. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed no interaction between mannose 6-phosphate (or other phosphosugars) and the GlcR-PglcR DNA complex. PhoCwas an acid phosphatase mainly able to dephosphorylate glycerol 3-phosphate and ribose 5- phosphate. Mannose 6-phosphatewas only weakly dephosphorylated by PhoC. Since deletion of glcR and phoCalone or in combination had no effect on the cell duringphosphosugar stress,it is assumed that the derepression of glcR-phoC is a side effect of phosphosugar stress in B. subtilis.
Project description:The genome-wide transcriptional responses of the wild type laboratory strain, and two deletion strains (pmt7Δ/pmt7Δ and yhl042wΔ/yhl042wΔ) were comparatively investigated in the absence and in the presence of ethanol for two hours. Strains were cultivated in flasks at 30°C and 180 rpm in an orbital shaker till the mid-exponential phase of growth (OD600 of 0.85-0.95). The exponential cultures were then divided into two flasks and cells in one flask were grown without ethanol, whereas cells in the latter flask were treated with ethanol to have 8% (v/v) final ethanol concentration. In order to analyze the transcriptional response of each strain to ethanol, samples were collected 2 h after ethanol treatment from both treated and untreated cultures, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80C until RNA isolation. All experiments were carried out in triplicate.