Project description:Interactions between the gene products encoded by the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes play critical roles in normal eukaryotic cellular function. Here, we characterized the metabolic and transcriptional properties of A549 lung cancer cells and their isogenic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-depleted rho zero counterparts grown in cell culture and as tumor xenografts in immune-deficient mice. A manuscript summarizing our conclusions is under review. Keywords: genetic modification and culture conditions
Project description:Bacteriophages (phages) are widespread in Streptococcus pneumoniae, with most strains carrying phage genomes integrated into the chromosome. RNA sequencing was utilised to explore whether phage gene expression could be detected. The pneumococcal reference strain PMEN3 (Spain9V-3), which contained two full-length phages and one partial phage, was grown in broth culture and mitomycin C was added to facilitate phage induction. PMEN3 culture samples were taken at sequential time points and RNA was extracted and sequenced.
Project description:In present study, it was found that the co-culture of Wickerhamomyces anomalus Y-5 and L. plantarum RX-8 could enhance bacteriocin production. To analyze the interaction between W. anomalus Y-5 and L. plantarum RX-8, a quantitative proteomic approach was used to analyze and compare the proteome in L. plantarum RX-8 and W. anomalus Y-5 under mono-culture and co-culture. In total, 339 differently expressed proteins (DEPs) were screened in comparison of L. plantarum RX-8 under mono-culture and co-culture, 645 proteins of W. anomalus Y-5 changed in mono-culture and co-culture. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis indicated that DEPs participated in various metabolic pathways such as PTS system, glycolysis, galactose metabolism, glutamate, aspartate, arginine and cysteine metabolism etc. These pathways were related to inducing mechanism on improving bacteriocin production by co-culture. Quantitative proteomic analysis-based strategies can therefore provide further evidence for new regulated targets to improve the production of bacteriocins.
Project description:Saccharomyces pastorianus is the yeast used to make lager beer; it is known to be an interspecific hybrid formed by the fusion between S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus genomes. This data set queries 17 S. pastorianus strains, collected at various times over the last 125 years from various breweries located in different geographical locations, which were obtained from CBS and DBVPG culture collections. The data in this set represent array-CGH experiments performed with these strains, using "2-species" custom Agilent arrays (the "2-species" arrays contain probes spaced every ~2 kb across the whole genomes of both S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus; the probes are unique and specific for each genome). The data set also contains 3 self-self hybridizations (S. cerevisiae + S. bayanus DNA mixed together in equimolar amounts, then labeled green or red in separate reactions, then hybridized to the "2-species" arrays) used for normalization in CGH-Miner analysis. A strain or line experiment design type assays differences between multiple strains, cultivars, serovars, isolates, lines from organisms of a single species.
Project description:Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) has a large (~2.7 Gbp) allotetraploid genome with closely related component genomes making its genome very challenging to assemble. Here we report genome sequences of its diploid ancestors (A. duranensis and A. ipaënsis). We show they are similar to the peanutâs A- and B-genomes and use them use them to identify candidate disease resistance genes, create improved tetraploid transcript assemblies, and show genetic exchange between peanutâs component genomes. Based on remarkably high DNA identity and biogeography, we conclude that A. ipaënsis may be a descendant of the very same population that contributed the B-genome to cultivated peanut. Whole Genome Bisulphite Sequencing of the peanut species Arachis duranensis and Arachis ipaensis.