Project description:ITS or 16S amplicon sequencing of Drosophila spp. and their natural food sources, and transcriptomics of Drosophila melanogaster larvae and Drosophila-associated yeasts
Project description:To investigate how acetate and high light stress affect gene expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, RNAseq data from a timeline of cultures subjected to high light and different carbon sources was analyzed.
Project description:Mycobacterium dioxanotrophicus PH-06 can degrade 1,4-dioxane (dioxane), which is a groundwater contaminant of emerging concern. In order to find the genes involved in dioxane degradation. RNA sequencing was first used to investigate gene expression levels of PH-06 during growth on two different carbon sources (dioxane and glucose). The sequencing shows that a monooxygenase gene cluster was upregulated when treated with dioxane relative to glucose.
Project description:Significance of homogeneous operation in light-assisted fixed-bed bioprocess under ammonia stress: Optimization, long-term operation and metagenomic analysis