Project description:Single-cell human genome analysis using whole-genome amplified product is hampered by allele bias during amplification. Using an oligonucleotide SNP array, we examined the nature of the allele bias and its effect on the chromosomal copy number analysis. Keywords: single cell, copy number analysis, whole genome amplification, brain
Project description:To evaluate the expression of genes associated with MYCN in NB, 10 tumors with MYCN amplification and 10 with normal MYCN copy number were subjected to oligonucleotide microarray using Agilent oligo microarray chips.
Project description:A transcriptome study in mouse hematopoietic stem cells was performed using a sensitive SAGE method, in an attempt to detect medium and low abundant transcripts expressed in these cells. Among a total of 31,380 unique transcript, 17,326 (55%) known genes were detected, 14,054 (45%) low-copy transcripts that have no matches to currently known genes. 3,899 (23%) were alternatively spliced transcripts of the known genes and 3,754 (22%) represent anti-sense transcripts from known genes.