Project description:Exosomes from sensory neurons overexpressing miR-21 induce a polarisation towards M1-like phenotype via down-regulation of TGF-B pathway.
Project description:Purpose: Previous work has demonstrated that miR-33 is an important regulator of lipid metabolism and atherogenesis. By performing bone marrow transplant experiments into LDLR-/- mice, our work demonstrates that the effects of miR-33 in macrophages play a major role in its ability to reduced atherosclerotic plaque burdon. To have performed extensive additional characterization of the effects of miR-33 deficiency in macrophages icluding RNA-seq analysis of peritoneal macrophages from wildtype, miR-33-/-, LDLR-/-, and miR33-/-/LDLR-/- animals. Methods: Thioglycolate elicited peritoneal macrophages from WT and miR-33-/- mice were harvested by peritoneal lavage. Cells were then plated for 2hr, then washed to remove non-adherant cells. Macrophages were then scraped, pelleted and frozen at -80◦C. Total RNA from WT and miR-33-/- thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages was extracted and purified using a RNA isolation Kit (Qiagen) followed by DNAse treatment to remove genomic contamination using RNA MinElute Cleanup (Qiagen). The purity and integrity of total RNA sample was verified using the Agilent Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). rRNA was depleted from RNA samples using Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Illumina). RNA libraries from WT BMDMs were performed TrueSeq Small RNA Library preparation (Illumina) and were sequenced for 45 cycles on Illumina HiSeq 2000 platformm (1 x 75bp read length). The reads obtained from the sequencer are trimmed for quality using in-house developed scripts. The trimmed reads are aligned to the reference genome using TopHat2. The transcript abundances and differences calculated using cuffdiff. The results were plotted using R and cummeRbund using in-house developed scripts. Results: Our RNA-seq analysis has allowed us to identify genes and pathways that are altered in miR-33 deficient peritoneal macrophages under hyperlipidemic conditions (LDLR-/- vs. miR33-/-/LDLR-/-). Further analysis of gene expression changes that occur between wildtype and LDLR-/- animals has allowed us to identify which of these changes are likely due to differences in lipid loading and which are independent of these effects.
Project description:Mouse peritoneal macrophages were transfected with 80-120 nM miRIDIAN miRNA mimics (miR-mimic-33/miR-mimic-33*) or with 80-120 nM miRIDIAN miRNA inhibitors (anti-miR-33 ASO/anti-miR-33*ASO) Control samples were treated with an equal concentration of a non-targeting control mimics sequence (control mimic) or inhibitor negative control sequence (control aso), to control for non-specific effects in miRNA experiments.
Project description:The interaction of macrophages with apoptotic cells is required for efficient resolution of inflammation. While apoptotic cell removal prevents inflammation due to secondary necrosis, it also alters the macrophage phenotype to hinder further inflammatory reactions. The interaction between apoptotic cells and macrophages is often studied by chemical or biological induction of apoptosis, which may introduce artifacts by affecting the macrophages as well and/or triggering unrelated signaling pathways. Here, we set up a pure cell death system in which NIH 3T3 cells expressing dimerizable Caspase-8 were co-cultured with peritoneal macrophages in a transwell system. Phenotype changes in macrophages induced by apoptotic cells were evaluated by RNA sequencing, which revealed an unexpectedly dominant impact on macrophage proliferation. This was confirmed in functional assays with primary peritoneal macrophages and IC-21 macrophages. Moreover, inhibition of apoptosis during Zymosan-induced peritonitis in mice decreased mRNA levels of cell cycle mediators in peritoneal macrophages. Proliferation of macrophages in response to apoptotic cells may be important to increase macrophage numbers to allow efficient clearance and resolution of inflammation.
Project description:microRNA transcriptome data from wild type and Gata6-deficient tissue resident peritoneal macrophages. Tissue resident macrophages are notoriously heterogeneous, exhibiting discrete phenotypes as a consequence of tissue- and micro-anatomical niche-specific functions, but the molecular basis for this is not understood. Gata6 itself has been shown to be a target of multiple miR. However, microRNA transcriptome and its dependence on tissue-specific macrophage programming, such as effected by GATA6, has not been explored. We used microRNA sequencing to determine the patterns of microRNA expression in peritoneal resident macrophages at homeostasis in the absence of GATA-6 against wild type.
Project description:Peritoneal macrophages from healthy New Zealand White rabbits were treated with exosomes from Cysticercus pisiforms and treated with PBS were used as control.
Project description:Peritoneal macrophages from control and Mac-Gata6 KO (LysM-cre;Gata6-floxed) mice were determined for genome wide gene expression. Sorted peritoneal macrophages from control and Mac-Gata6 KO mice were performed for whole genome expression analysis by Illumina microarray
Project description:Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a successful renal replacement therapy for end-stage renal disease that effectively improves the quality of life. Long-term PD causes epithelial mesenchymal transformation (MMT) of peritoneal mesothelial cells, leading to peritoneal fibrosis which reduces the efficiency of PD. Macrophages are considered players in the onset and perpetuation of peritoneal injury. Yet, the mechanisms employed by macrophage-mesothelial cells communication to regulate peritoneal fibrosis are not fully elucidated resulting in lack of disease-modified drugs. This study analyzes the role of macrophage-mesothelial cell communication by intraperitoneal injection of macrophage derived exosomes in PD model rats. These results show that macrophages secrete exosomal miR-204-5p that directly targets Foxc1, leading to the activation of MMT in mesothelial cells. The data also shows that intraperitoneal injection of dissolved AS-IV can improve MMT by altering macrophage derived exosomal miRNAs. This study indicates that intercellular crosstalk between peritoneal macrophages and mesothelial cells is mediated by macrophage derived miR-204-5p-containing exosomes that control the MMT progression, providing AS-IV for prevention and treatment of PD induced peritoneal fibrosis. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, a novel role of the AS-IV on miR-204-5p/Foxc1/β-catenin axis in improving peritoneal fibrosis in vivo and vitro.
Project description:In vitro models are often used to study the functions of macrophages, including the process of phagocytosis. The use of primary macrophages has limitations associated with the individual characteristics of animals, which can lead to insufficient standardization of the results obtained. This disadvantage is lacking in immortalized cell lines. The PMJ2-R cell line was derived from in vivo immortalization and retains many of the primary peritoneal macrophages functions, but little is known about its differences from normal cells. In this article, we carried out a comparative analysis of the proteomes of PMJ2-R cells and primary peritoneal macrophages isolated from the C57BL/J6 mice. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of proteins involved in the process of phagocytosis. A total of 4005 proteins were identified, of which 797 were quantified. Our results indicate that there are significant differences in the abundance of a large number of proteins, including important proteins associated with the process of phagocytosis, such as Elmo1, Gsn, Hspa8, Itgb1, Ncf2, Rac2, Rack1, Sirpa, Sod1, C3, Msr1. Thus, when using PMJ2R cells as model cells in the study of the peritoneal macrophages functions, features revealed in this study should be taken into account.