Project description:We found in our behavior experiment clearly distinnct olfactory responses in fed vs starved flies in response to differrent odors.To investigate the molecular basis of the starvation mediated olfactory modulation process, we compared gene expression at the level of the antenna and the brain for fed and starved flies. Gene expression in brain and antennae was measured at 0hr and 28 hours starved. Four independent experiments were performed at each time using different flies for each experiment.
Project description:During severe systemic infections with and without sepsis neurological changes are common and range from sickness behavior to septic associated encephalopathy. Encephalopathy is due to a system-wide inflammatory response leading to an often fatal increase in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. To elucidate the cytotoxic impact and brain-specific host response during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we profiled the olfactory mucosa, olfactory bulb, brainstem and cerebellum from deceased COVID-19 patients who underwent rapid autopsy.
Project description:We found in our behavior experiment clearly distinnct olfactory responses in fed vs starved flies in response to differrent odors.To investigate the molecular basis of the starvation mediated olfactory modulation process, we compared gene expression at the level of the antenna and the brain for fed and starved flies.
Project description:Social plasticity is a pervasive feature of animal behavior. Animals adjust the expression of their social behavior to the daily changes in social life and to transitions between life-history stages, and the ability to change in these ways impacts their Darwinian fitness. This behavioral plasticity may be achieved either by rewiring or by biochemically switching nodes of the neural network underlying the social behavior in response to perceived social information. Independent of the proximate mechanisms, at the neuromolecular level social plasticity relies on the regulation of gene expression, such that different neurogenomic states emerge in response to different social stimuli and the switches between states are orchestrated by signaling pathways that interface the social environment and the genotype. Here, we test this hypothesis by characterizing the changes in the brain profile of gene expression in response to social odors in the Mozambique Tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. This species has a rich repertoire of social behaviors during which both visual and chemical information are conveyed to conspecifics. Specifically, dominant males increase their urination frequency during agonist encounters and during courtship to convey chemical information reflecting their dominance status. We recorded electro-olfactograms to test the extent to which the olfactory epithelium can discriminate between olfactory information from dominant and subordinate males as well as from pre- and post-spawning females. We then performed a genome-scale gene expression analysis of the olfactory bulb and the olfactory cortex homolog in order to identify the neuromolecular systems involved in processing these social stimuli. Our results show that different olfactory stimuli from conspecificsM-bM-^@M-^Y have a major impact in the brain transcriptome, with different chemical social cues eliciting specific patterns of gene expression in the brain. These results confirm the role of rapid changes in gene expression in the brain as a genomic mechanism underlying behavioural plasticity and reinforce the idea of an extensive transcriptional plasticity of cichlid genomes, especially in response to rapid changes in their social environment. Brain samples from 40 African cichlid males, Oreochromis mossambicus were collected after stimulation with different social olfactory stimuli. Samples were collected from 2 brain areas: BO and Dp after males were exposed to dominant (DOM) and subordinate (SUB) male urine and pre- (PRE) and post-ovulatory (POST) female scent. In OB 5 replicates were collected from males exposed to DOM and 6 to the other stimuli. For Dp 5 replicates were collected from males exposed to DOM and POST, 4 to SUB and 6 to PRE.
Project description:Sexual selection involves mate preference behavior and is a critical determinant for natural selection and evolutionary biology. Previously an environmental compound (fungicide vinclozolin) was found to promote epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of modified mate selection characteristics in all progeny for three generations after exposure of a gestating female. The current study investigated gene networks involved in various regions of the brain that correlated with the mate preference behavior altered in F3-Vinclozolin lineage animals. Statistically significant correlations of differentially expressed gene clusters and modules were identified to associate with specific mate preference behaviors. This novel systems biology approach identified critical gene networks involved in mate preference behavior and demonstrated the ability of environmental factors to promote epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of this altered evolutionary biology determinant. Combined observations elucidate the potential molecular control of mate preference behavior and suggests environmental epigenetics can have a role in evolutionary biology. We used Affymetrix Rat Gene 1.0 ST microarrays to determine genes expressed differentially in F3 Vinclozolin lineage male or female rats' 6 brain areas - amygdala (Amy), hippocampus (Hipp), olfactory bulb (OlfB), cingulate cortex (CngCtx), entorhinal cortex (EnCtx), and preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (POAH) - due to Vinclozolin treatments of their grand-grandmothers (F0). For each of 6 brain areas of male or female rats (female: amygdala (F-Amy), cingulate cortex (F-CngCTX), enterorhinal cortex (F-EnCTX), hippocampus (F-Hipp), olfactory bulbs (F-OlfB), and preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (F-POAH); male: amygdala (M-Amy), cingulate cortex (M-CngCTX), enterorhinal cortex (M-EnCTX), hippocampus (M-Hipp), olfactory bulbs (M-OlfB), and preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (M-POAH)), RNA samples from 2 treatment groups - F3 Control lineage (Con) or F3 Vinclozolin lineage (Vin) - were compared to each other. Each of treatment groups contained 4-6 biological replicas for each brain region. RNA for each replica was isolated from an individual animal in order to compare to individual animal mate preference behavior studied with the same rats before sacrifice. Totally, 132 RNA samples from 24 animals (6 male F3 Control, 6 male F3 Vinclozolin,6 female F3 Control, and 6 female F3 Vinclozolin) were isolated and studied.
Project description:Social plasticity is a pervasive feature of animal behavior. Animals adjust the expression of their social behavior to the daily changes in social life and to transitions between life-history stages, and the ability to change in these ways impacts their Darwinian fitness. This behavioral plasticity may be achieved either by rewiring or by biochemically switching nodes of the neural network underlying the social behavior in response to perceived social information. Independent of the proximate mechanisms, at the neuromolecular level social plasticity relies on the regulation of gene expression, such that different neurogenomic states emerge in response to different social stimuli and the switches between states are orchestrated by signaling pathways that interface the social environment and the genotype. Here, we test this hypothesis by characterizing the changes in the brain profile of gene expression in response to social odors in the Mozambique Tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. This species has a rich repertoire of social behaviors during which both visual and chemical information are conveyed to conspecifics. Specifically, dominant males increase their urination frequency during agonist encounters and during courtship to convey chemical information reflecting their dominance status. We recorded electro-olfactograms to test the extent to which the olfactory epithelium can discriminate between olfactory information from dominant and subordinate males as well as from pre- and post-spawning females. We then performed a genome-scale gene expression analysis of the olfactory bulb and the olfactory cortex homolog in order to identify the neuromolecular systems involved in processing these social stimuli. Our results show that different olfactory stimuli from conspecifics’ have a major impact in the brain transcriptome, with different chemical social cues eliciting specific patterns of gene expression in the brain. These results confirm the role of rapid changes in gene expression in the brain as a genomic mechanism underlying behavioural plasticity and reinforce the idea of an extensive transcriptional plasticity of cichlid genomes, especially in response to rapid changes in their social environment.
Project description:The innate immune system shapes brain development and is implicated in neurodevelopmental diseases. It is critical to define the relevant immune cells and signals and their impact on brain circuits. Here we show that group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) and their cytokine Interleukin-13 (IL-13) signal directly to inhibitory interneurons to increase inhibitory synapse density in the developing brain. ILC2s expanded and produced IL-13 in the developing brain meninges. Loss of ILC2s or IL-13 signaling to interneurons decreased inhibitory, but not excitatory, cortical synapses. Conversely, ILC2s and IL-13 were sufficient to increase inhibitory 30 synapses. Loss of this signaling pathway led to selective impairments in social interaction. These data define a type 2 neuroimmune circuit in early life that shapes inhibitory synapse development and behavior.
Project description:Metabolic imbalance contributes to cognitive impairment, anxiety, depressive behavior, and impaired olfactory perception. As the synaptic signal from the olfactory bulb is directly transmitted to memory consolidation-related brain regions, recent studies have focused on the study of olfactory dysfunction in patients with obesity and diabetes accompanied by cognitive dysfunction. In this study, we investigated the transcriptomic change of olfactory bulb in high-fat diet-fed mice compared to that of normal diet-fed mice. We sampled olfactory bulbs from high fat diet mice, performed RNA sequencing, and measured protein and mRNA levels in olfactory bulb tissue. Also, we tested cytokine secretion in blood plasma of high fat diet mice. We found differences in the expression of protein-coding mRNAs and non-coding RNAs involved in insulin, lipid metabolism, neurogenesis, serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid-related signaling in the olfactory bulb of high-fat diet-fed mice compared to control mice. Our analyses suggest diverse targets for the treatment of olfactory dysfunction related to various neuropathologies in patients with metabolic syndrome.