Project description:Large White and Meishan pigs were either non-treated or injected with mammalian 1-24 ACTH (Immediate Synachten, Novartis France) at the dose of 250 µg per animal. Pigs were sacrificed either immediately after capture from their home cage (non-treated animals) or 1 hour following ACTH injection. Adrenal glands were immediately collected from pigs and frozen on dry ice and then stored at -80°C until RNA isolation. Keywords: stress response, adrenal, gene expression, pig
Project description:Large White and Meishan pigs were either non-treated or injected with mammalian 1-24 ACTH (Immediate Synachten, Novartis France) at the dose of 250 µg per animal. Pigs were sacrificed either immediately after capture from their home cage (non-treated animals) or 1 hour following ACTH injection. Adrenal glands were immediately collected from pigs and frozen on dry ice and then stored at -80°C until RNA isolation. Keywords: stress response, adrenal, gene expression, pig 47 samples
Project description:We are interested in the role of NOTCH1 and Shear Stress in Aortic Valve Endothelium. Primary human aortic valve endothelium was subjected to 4 conditions in vitro. 1) Control siRNA, No shear stress. 2) NOTCH1 siRNA, No shear stress. 3) Control siRNA, 15 dynes/cm2 shear stress. 4) NOTCH1 siRNA, 15 dynes/cm2 shear stress. Triplicates of each condition were pooled for library perp and sequencing
Project description:The objective of this study was to advance the understanding of how in vivo arterial shear forces affect vascular endothelial gene expression. Complicated blood flow patterns at arterial branches create small regions that experience fluctuations in shear stress at frequencies higher than the heart rate. To assess whether such temporal variations in shear stress can affect endothelial gene expression, a series of in vitro microarray experiments was performed. The effects of three sinusoidal waveforms (1, 2, and 3 Hz) and one physiological waveform were compared to the expression profiles under steady flow. At each frequency, three levels of mean shear stress (0, 7.5, and 15 dyn/cm2) were used. Porcine aortic endothelial cells were exposed for 24 hours to each combination, replicated four times. Following shear exposure, phase contrast images of the cells were acquired, and RNA was extracted for microarray analysis against about 10,000 porcine oligonucleotides. Cell alignment with the flow was positively correlated with mean shear (p < 0.001) and independent of frequency. A two-way ANOVA identified 232 genes that were differentially regulated by frequency. The frequency sensitive genes were clustered to identify groups of genes exhibiting similar frequency responses. The largest response was seen at 2 Hz. At this frequency, several inflammatory molecules were upregulated, including VCAM, CTGF, TGF-beta2, c-jun, and IL-8, indicating a potential endothelial atherosusceptibility at this frequency. Mean shear significantly affected the expression of ~3,000 genes. Purely oscillatory flow (zero mean shear) enhanced the expression of several growth factors and adhesion molecules (E-selectin, VCAM, MCP-1, IL-8, c-jun), relative to non-reversing flow (15 dyn/cm2 mean shear). The 2 Hz upregulation of certain atherogenic molecules such as VCAM, c-jun, and IL-8 was enhanced as the mean shear was reduced. Thus, the inflammatory response evoked at certain frequencies appears to be exacerbated by low, oscillatory shear. Keywords: Shear stress response
Project description:Fluid induced shear stress is widely recognized as an important biophysical signal in cell-cell mechanotransduction. To identify cellular signaling pathways that are regulated by fluid shear stress, we applied the unbiased approach of transcriptional profiling. Our cDNA array analysis detected that 1165 of the 6288 sampled unigenes were significantly affected by pulsatile fluid flow. GenMapp 2.1 analysis revealed pathways of genes regulated by shear stress: angiogenesis, blood vessel morphogenesis, regulation of endothelial cell proliferation and prostaglandin biosynthesis. Individual genes significantly up-/down-regulated by shear stress included vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFa), cysteine rich protein 61 (CRY61), platelet derived growth factor, alpha (PDGFa), connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), Neuropilin 1 (NRP1), angiotensin II receptor, type 1a (AGTR1a) and fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1). Based on these findings, we hypothesize that fluid shear stress regulated VEGF most likely stimulates MC3T3-E1 cells through autocrine/paracrine release and may provide a powerful recruitment signal for osteoclasts, endothelial cells and/or stem cells during bone remodeling. Keywords: stress response
Project description:The lymphatic system removes fluid from the interstitial space and returns it to the blood with a tremendous capacity: during inflammation, lymph flow rates can increase dramatically; however, during chronic lymphedema, there is little or no flow. The ability of lymphatic endothelium to sense and actively regulate this function is unknown, and shear stress is likely a key indicator of lymph flow. We profiled gene expression in human dermal microvascular lymphatic endothelial cells exposed to 0, 2 and 20 dyn/cm2 shear stress as representative of chronic lymphedema, normal, and acute inflammatory conditions, respectively. We found important adaptive responses correlated to multiple aspects of lymphatic function. Importantly, shear stress upregulated intracellular water and solute transporters while decreasing cell-cell adhesion and basement membrane components and increasing cell-matrix interactions. This data indicate that during high loading conditions, both passive and active drainage function increases, while conversely when fluid drainage is blocked, transport function is diminished in the lymphatic endothelium. These data demonstrate the first functional-adaptive response of lymphatic endothelium to flow conditions, thus indicating that the lymphatic endothelium plays an active role in regulating their function. Keywords: Shear stress, dose response, cell type comparison Lymphatic endothelial cells were subjected to 0, 2, or 20 dyn/cm2 shear stress; blood endothelial cells were subjected to 0 or 20 dyn/cm2 shear stress. Four samples were used for each cell type/shear level group for a total of 20 samples. Each sample was independently compared to human universal reference RNA via two-color microarray analysis for a total of 20 arrays. In all cases, the experimental samples were labeled with Cy5 dye while the reference RNA was labeled with Cy3.
Project description:Porcine endothelial cells were preconditioned by a basal level shear stress of 15 ± 15 dynes/cm2 at 1 Hz for 24 hours, and an acute increase in shear stress frequency (2 Hz) was then applied. The transcriptomics studies using microarray identified genes that were sensitive to the elevated shear frequency. keywords: adaptation, shear stress, frequency, microarray, gene expression Porcine endothelial cells were preconditioned by a basal level shear stress of 15 ± 15 dynes/cm2 at 1 Hz for 24 hours, and an acute increase in shear stress magnitude (2 Hz) was then applied. Gene expression at multiple time points was measured using microarray.
Project description:To profile shear stress-regulated endothelial transcriptomes, we performed RNA-seq with HUVECs subjected to different shear flow conditions, including atheroprotective pulsatile shear (PS, 12±4 dyn/cm2) and atheroprone oscillatory shear (OS, 0.5±4 dyn/cm2), or kept as static control (ST) for four time periods (1, 4, 12 and 24 hours)