Project description:The primary goal of this project is to monitor host global gene expression patterns in response to viral infection in the shrimp, Litopenaeus stylirostris. Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) L. stylirostris were obtained from High Health Aquaculture (Honolulu, Hawaii) and kept in environmentally controlled tanks. For control, animals were injected with saline (30 ul) between the second and third tergal plates of the lateral side of the tail using a 1 ml tuberculin syringe. Infected individuals were inoculated with homogenate created from IHHNV infected shrimp tissue. After 24 hours, the shrimp were sacrificed and tissue was collected from the ventral and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored in the -80 ºC freezer. Libraries of sequence tags were generated via the Long-SAGE kit (Invitrogen®, Carlsbad, CA) until the ditag PCR preparation step and directly pyrosequenced by 454 Roche.