Project description:To see the function of OsCERK1 receptor-like kinase in the chitin elicitor signaling in Rice, we compared the gene expression profiles in the chitin oligosaccharide treated cultured rice cells of vector control and OsCERK1 knock-down mutant (RNAi). Keywords: Defense response
Project description:To see the function of OsCERK1 receptor-like kinase in the chitin elicitor signaling in Rice, we compared the gene expression profiles in the chitin oligosaccharide treated cultured rice cells of vector control and OsCERK1 knock-down mutant (RNAi). Keywords: Defense response 1,Chitin oligosaccharide treatment (vector control), 2,Chitin oligosaccharide treatment (vector control) color swap, 3,Chitin oligosaccharide treatment (OsCERK1 RNAi), 4,Chitin oligosaccharide treatment (OsCERK1 RNAi) color swap
Project description:To see the function of CEBiP in the chitin elicitor signaling in rice cells, a plasmid for the gene-specific knock-down by RNA interference (RNAi) was constructed by using a sequence for the 3’-terminal region of CEBiP and transformed into the rice cells by using Rhizobium radiobacter (Agrobacterium tumefaciens). chitinoligomer was added (or not added) to the medium. For the control of them, rice cells that non transformed wild type was used. Keywords: genetic modification
Project description:OsMKK4 is a rice MAPKK and immediately activated by treatment with chitin elicitor, a fungal MAMP. OsMKK4DD is a constitutively active mutants of OsMKK4. We identified OsMKK4 regulated genes using a conditional gain-of-function transgenic system and rice 44K oligoarray.
Project description:Rice blast disease caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the most damaging diseases affecting rice productivity. Previously, we reported a novel M. oryzae- secreted protein MSP1, which triggers cell death and pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immune (PTI) responses in rice. To investigate the MSP1 induced defense response in rice at the protein level, we employed a label-free quantitative proteomic approach, in parallel with the flg22, which is a wellknown elicitor. Proteomics analysis using the MaxQuant-Perseus platform led to the identification of 4087 proteins of which 417 showed significant differences (multiple sample test, ANOVA p<0.05) in response to MSP1 and/or flg22 treatments. Functional annotation of the differential proteins showed that proteins related to the primary metabolism, secondary metabolism and lipid metabolism were strongly down-regulated, while elevated proteins were mainly associated with the stress response, chromatin remodeling, post-translational modification of proteins and signaling.
Project description:OsMKK4 is a rice MAPKK and immediately activated by treatment with chitin elicitor, a fungal MAMP. OsMKK4 phosphrylate and activate OsMPK6. We compared gene expression in osmpk6 and osmpk6 complemented cells expressing active OsMKK4 using rice 44K oligoarray.
Project description:High-throughput sequencing of small RNAs from rice was used to identify distinct miRNAs that are responsive to elicitors from the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. [Expression profiling by array] We used microarrays to determine the expression behaviour of target genes for elicitor-regulated miRNAs. [High throughput sequencing] High-throughput sequencing of rice small RNAs was performed in two different tissues, leaves and roots, and two different time point of elicitor treatment, 30' and 2h Amplicons were prepared by 5´and 3´adaptor ligation in which the 5'-adaptor contained a 'barcode' consisting of a 4-nucleotide identifier sequence for each sample. The libraries containing unique barcodes were combined and subjected to pyrosequencing (454 Life SciencesTM, Roche)