Project description:The aim of this study is the identification of genes and gene networks involved in pig ovarian follicular development. cDNA nylon micro-arrays (2849 sequenced clones) were designed from different libraries : four subtractive suppressive hybridization libraries (generated from small versus large and small versus medium follicles) and a pig multi-tissue cDNA library. Granulosa cells were isolated from healthy follicles (small, medium or large), 24 h or 96 h after the end of a progestagen treatment. The RNA isolated from these cells was used to hybridize the micro-arrays and hybridisations were performed in duplicate. The images were quantified using Bzscan software and the data were managed with BASE software. Statistical analysis was performed using R software. Keywords: cell type comparison
Project description:In mammals, ovarian folliculogenesis leading to the ovulation of completely mature oocytes is a long and complex process that is regulated at different levels. The mechanisms that underlie the selection of one or several dominant follicles as well as the regulation of the number of ovulating follicles are largely unknown. In this project, we proposed to study the genetic determinism that underlies the difference of ovulation rate between species (cattle and pigs), by studying two processes that exist in ovary: follicular development and follicular atresia. Towards this purpose, we made a comparative transcriptomics study on granulosa cells. Pig and cattle comparison was achieved by a transcriptome analysis with a 9K nylon pig microarray (GPL3729) on granulosa cells from either small healthy antral follicles (SHF), small atretic follicles (SAF) or large healthy antral follicles (LHF). The images were quantified using AGscan software and the data were managed with BASE software. Statistical analysis was performed using R software. Transcriptomic analysis on pig and cattle evidenced 997 differentially expressed genes (FDR1%) between the three follicle classes and/or the two species. This research project which implicated three laboratories from INRA: "Laboratoire de Genetique Cellulaire" (UMR444-LGC) , "Station d'Amelioration Genetique des Animaux" (UR 631-SAGA) and "Physiologie des Comportements et de la reproduction" (UMR 85-PRC) benefited from both European funding through SABRE project and French ANR funding through GenOvul project. Keywords: transcriptome analysis, pig, cattle, ovary, folliculogenesis, gene expression, cDNA microarray The data were obtained from 34 RNA samples: 10 small healthy follicles samples (6 for sows and 4 for cows), 13 small atretic follicles samples (7 for sows and 6 for cows) and 11 samples for large healthy follicles (6 for sows and 5 for cows). They were hybridized on a 9K pig nylon microarray (GPL3729).
Project description:Large White and Meishan pigs were either non-treated or injected with mammalian 1-24 ACTH (Immediate Synachten, Novartis France) at the dose of 250 µg per animal. Pigs were sacrificed either immediately after capture from their home cage (non-treated animals) or 1 hour following ACTH injection. Adrenal glands were immediately collected from pigs and frozen on dry ice and then stored at -80°C until RNA isolation. Keywords: stress response, adrenal, gene expression, pig
Project description:Large White and Meishan pigs were either non-treated or injected with mammalian 1-24 ACTH (Immediate Synachten, Novartis France) at the dose of 250 µg per animal. Pigs were sacrificed either immediately after capture from their home cage (non-treated animals) or 1 hour following ACTH injection. Adrenal glands were immediately collected from pigs and frozen on dry ice and then stored at -80°C until RNA isolation. Keywords: stress response, adrenal, gene expression, pig 47 samples
Project description:In mammals, ovarian folliculogenesis leading to the ovulation of completely mature oocytes is a long and complex process that is regulated at different levels. The mechanisms that underlie the selection of one or several dominant follicles as well as the regulation of the number of ovulating follicles are largely unknown. In this project, we proposed to study the genetic determinism that underlies the difference of ovulation rate between species (cattle and pigs). Towards this purpose, we made a comparative transcriptomics study on granulosa cells. Pig and cattle comparison was achieved by a transcriptome analysis with a 9K nylon pig microarray (GPL3729) on granulosa cells from either small healthy antral follicles (SHF) or large healthy antral follicles (LHF). The images were quantified using AGscan software and the data were managed with BASE software. Statistical analysis was performed using R software. Transcriptomic analysis on pig and cattle evidenced 252 differentially expressed genes (FDR5%) between the two follicle classes and/or the two species. This research project which implicated three laboratories from INRA: M-BM-+ Laboratoire de GM-CM-)nM-CM-)tique Cellulaire M-BM-; (UMR444-LGC) , M-BM-+ Station dM-bM-^@M-^YAmM-CM-)lioration GM-CM-)nM-CM-)tique des Animaux M-BM-; (UR 631-SAGA) and M-BM-+ Physiologie des Comportements et de la reproduction M-BM-; (UMR 85-PRC) benefited from both European funding through SABRE project and French ANR funding through GenOvul project. Keywords: transcriptome analysis, pig, cattle, ovary, folliculogenesis, gene expression, cDNA microarray The data were obtained from 21 RNA samples: 10 small healthy follicles samples (6 for sows and 4 for cows) and 11 samples for large healthy follicles (6 for sows and 5 for cows). They were hybridized on a 9K pig nylon microarray (GPL3729).
Project description:Folliculogenesis corresponds to the development of follicles leading to either ovulation or degeneration (a process called atresia). Even if atresia involves an apoptosis process, this mechanism is not well understood. The objective of this experiment was : 1) to analyse gene expression in pig granulosa cells of ovarian follicles during atresia using transcriptome analysis with a 9 024 cDNAs microarray, 2) the identification of gene networks involved in pig ovarian follicular atresia. Granulosa cells were isolated from atretic follicles (small, medium or large). Gene expression was analysed by hybridization of nylon cDNA microarrays. The images were quantified using Bzscan software and the data were managed with BASE software. Statistical analysis was performed using R software. Keywords: pig ovary, folliculogenesis, atresia, gene expression, cDNA microarray, bio-analysis
Project description:The aim of this study is the identification of genes and gene networks involved in pig ovarian follicular development. cDNA nylon micro-arrays (2849 sequenced clones) were designed from different libraries : four subtractive suppressive hybridization libraries (generated from small versus large and small versus medium follicles) and a pig multi-tissue cDNA library. Granulosa cells were isolated from healthy follicles (small, medium or large), 24 h or 96 h after the end of a progestagen treatment. The RNA isolated from these cells was used to hybridize the micro-arrays and hybridisations were performed in duplicate. The images were quantified using Bzscan software and the data were managed with BASE software. Statistical analysis was performed using R software. Keywords: cell type comparison Granulosa cells were isolated from healthy follicles (small, medium or large). The RNA isolated from these cells was used to hybridize nylon micro-arrays. The arrays contained PCR products from 2848 pig cDNA clones (GPL3978), spotted in duplicate on two separate fields of the same membrane (last number 1 of the local ID corresponds to the left field and 2 corresponds to right field). The data have been generated from 14 RNA follicle pools (five Large, five Medium and four Small follicles pools). For each follicle pool, 2 radioactive labellings were performed (before last number of the local ID corresponds to the duplicate number). Each membrane was exposed 6, 12 or 24 hours (depending on the saturation signal) to radioisotopic-sensitive imaging plates (BAS-2025, Fujifilm, Raytest France S.A.R.L., Courbevoie, France). The imaging plates were scanned thereafter with a phosphor imaging system at a 25 µm resolution (BAS-5000, Fujifilm, Raytest France S.A.R.L., Courbevoie, France). The images were quantified using semi-automated software, BZScan (Lopez F, Rougemont J, Loriod B, Bourgeois A, Loi L, Bertucci F, Hingamp P, Houlgatte R, and Granjeaud S. Feature extraction and signal processing for nylon DNA microarrays. BMC Genomics 5: 38, 2004). Fixed circle segmentation, i.e. a grid process with a fixed spot diameter was applied. The hybridization images were quantified by the extraction of the intensity for each spot. A new version of BZsan (AGscan solfware) is available at : The experimental data were managed using the free BASE software (Saal LH, Troein C, Vallon-Christersson J, Gruvberger S, Borg A, and Peterson C. BioArray Software Environment (BASE): a platform for comprehensive management and analysis of microarray data. Genome Biol 3: SOFTWARE0003, 2002.) modified by Sigenae team to accept radioactive experiments. Finally, data consisted in (14 RNA x 2 labellings x 2 fields) 14 probes, 28 hybridisations, 42 images (14 images were filtred out for background too hight).
Project description:In mammals, ovarian folliculogenesis leading to the ovulation of completely mature oocytes is a long and complex process that is regulated at different levels. The mechanisms that underlie the selection of one or several dominant follicles as well as the regulation of the number of ovulating follicles are largely unknown. In this project, we proposed to study the genetic determinism that underlies the difference of ovulation rate between species (cattle and pigs), by studying two processes that exist in ovary: follicular development and follicular atresia. Towards this purpose, we made a comparative transcriptomics study on granulosa cells. Pig and cattle comparison was achieved by a transcriptome analysis with a 9K nylon pig microarray (GPL3729) on granulosa cells from either small healthy antral follicles (SHF), small atretic follicles (SAF) or large healthy antral follicles (LHF). The images were quantified using AGscan software and the data were managed with BASE software. Statistical analysis was performed using R software. Transcriptomic analysis on pig and cattle evidenced 997 differentially expressed genes (FDR1%) between the three follicle classes and/or the two species. This research project which implicated three laboratories from INRA: "Laboratoire de Genetique Cellulaire" (UMR444-LGC) , "Station d'Amelioration Genetique des Animaux" (UR 631-SAGA) and "Physiologie des Comportements et de la reproduction" (UMR 85-PRC) benefited from both European funding through SABRE project and French ANR funding through GenOvul project. Keywords: transcriptome analysis, pig, cattle, ovary, folliculogenesis, gene expression, cDNA microarray