Project description:Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) occurs on both sides of the north Atlantic and has traditionally been grouped into 5 spawning components, some of which were thought to be isolated natal homing stocks. Previous studies have provided no evidence for cross Atlantic migration and no or weak support for isolated spawning components within either side of the North Atlantic. We question the de-facto accepted hypothesis of isolation between spawning components on the basis of spawning and age distribution data. The spawning intensities, proxied by larval abundances, are negatively correlated between the North Sea and Celtic Sea, which indicates that the two spawning components may be connected by straying individuals. This finding is based on unique larvae samples collected before the collapse of North Sea component, thus showing that the exchange is not a recent phenomenon due to the collapse. The analyses of old as well as more recent age distributions show that strong year classes spread into other areas where they spawn as adults ("twinning"). Our findings are in accordance with the lack of solid evidence for stock separation from previous analyses of tagging data, genetics, ectoparasite infections, otolith shapes, and blood phenotypes. Because no method has been able to identify the origin of spawning mackerel unequivocally from any of the traditional spawning components, and in the light of our results, we conclude that straying outweighs spatial segregation. We propose a new model where the population structure of mackerel is described as a dynamic cline, rather than as connected contingents. Temporal changes in hydrography and mackerel behavior may affect the steepness of the cline at various locations. The new interpretation of the population structure of Atlantic mackerel has important implications for research, assessment and management.
Project description:Wild capture can be stressful for fish. Stress has the potential to induce mortality in released unwanted catches or negative flesh quality consequences in retained ones. Such effects compromise sustainable natural resource management and industry profitability. Mitigating stress during capture is therefore desirable. Biological indicators of stress can objectively inform fishers as to the functional welfare status of catches during fishing operations. If they are to be of practical use in mitigating stress during wild capture events, such indicators must be quantifiable, respond rapidly, reflect the level of induced stress and be easily observable. Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) are extensively targeted by purse seine fisheries in European waters but are particularly vulnerable to stress. Excessive crowding in the net is thought to be the principal stress mechanism. There is therefore a need to develop indicators of crowding stress for this species so that catch welfare can be improved. Here, we demonstrate that S. scombrus exhibit a skin colour change from predominately green to predominately blue when exposed to crowding stress. In sea cage trials, we induced various degrees of stress in groups of wild-caught S. scombrus by manipulating crowding density and its duration. Skin colour was quantified in air using digital photography. The colour change occurred rapidly (within the typical duration of crowding events in the fishery), and its magnitude was correlated to the severity and duration of crowding. Bluer fish were also associated with higher levels of plasma lactate. No appreciable colour change was observed in uncrowded (control) groups during the treatment period. Nonetheless, unstressed S. scombrus did turn blue <1 h after death. Together, these results indicate that skin colour change has the potential to be a useful real-time indicator of crowding stress for S. scombrus and could therefore be used to improve welfare during wild capture fishing.
Project description:Predator-prey relations, as well as the trophic ecology of highly migratory marine species, is important to understand their impact on the ecosystem. Conventional methods were used to study the diet composition and feeding strategy of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scombrus scomber), during their summer feeding migration to Icelandic waters in 2009-2014. In addition, generalised additive modelling (GAM) was used to determine which biological and environmental factors contribute to the variation of their stomach weight in the years 2011-2014. From the dietary analysis, we found that calanoid copepods (especially Calanus finmarchicus) were the most important contributor to the overall diet of mackerel in the years studied. Although in some years and areas, they also preyed heavily on larger prey items such as euphausiids, amphipods and megalopa larvae of crab and shrimp. The GAM showed that temperature and the time the day of sampling were significant explanatory variables for the stomach weight, while zooplankton biomass did not seem to have much influence. The Northeast Atlantic mackerel are ferocious feeders upon copepods, as well as exhibiting an overall opportunistic feeding strategy. During their feeding migration in Icelandic waters, they were found to feed on the most dominant species available to them.
Project description:It has been suggested that observed spatial variation in mackerel fisheries, extending over several hundreds of kilometers, is reflective of climate-driven changes in mackerel migration patterns. Previous studies have been unable to clearly demonstrate this link. In this paper we demonstrate correlation between temperature and mackerel migration/distribution as proxied by mackerel catch data from both scientific bottom trawl surveys and commercial fisheries. We show that mackerel aggregate and migrate distances of up to 500 km along the continental shelf edge from mid-November to early March. The path of this migration coincides with the location of the relatively warm shelf edge current and, as a consequence of this affinity, mackerel are guided towards the main spawning area in the south. Using a simulated time series of temperature of the shelf edge current we show that variations in the timing of the migration are significantly correlated to temperature fluctuations within the current. The proposed proxies for mackerel distribution were found to be significantly correlated. However, the correlations were weak and only significant during periods without substantial legislative or technical developments. Substantial caution should therefore be exercised when using such data as proxies for mackerel distribution. Our results include a new temperature record for the shelf edge current obtained by embedding the available hydrographic observations within a statistical model needed to understand the migration through large parts of the life of adult mackerel and for the management of this major international fishery.