Project description:The WRKY gene family has a very ancient origin but has faced extensive duplication only in the plant kingdom so much that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has 74 copies of WRKY genes encoding transcription factors while 109 can be found in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Several studies in the last decade has pointed their involvement in an heterogeneous number of biological processes, from development to hormone signalling, dormancy and senescence, but a wide number of WRKY genes are transcriptionally regulated during biotic or abiotic stresses. To investigate involvement of WRKY genes upon host and non-host infection (different strain of Magnaporthe grisea) and osmotic stress in Rice, we performed a gene family transcription analysis using custom microarray. Results indicate that a relevant part of WRKY genes are involved during at least one of these stresses, that there is little difference in transcriptional regulation between host and non-host infection or between different tissues upon the same osmotic stress. Moreover, are evident groups of genes that, often with opposite behaviour, are co-regulated in all or most of the studied conditions. We thus formulated the hypothesis that WRKY genes might be part of co-regulatory networks with other WRKY genes. Keywords: stress response
Project description:The WRKY gene family has a very ancient origin but has faced extensive duplication only in the plant kingdom so much that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has 74 copies of WRKY genes encoding transcription factors while 109 can be found in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Several studies in the last decade has pointed their involvement in an heterogeneous number of biological processes, from development to hormone signalling, dormancy and senescence, but a wide number of WRKY genes are transcriptionally regulated during biotic or abiotic stresses. To investigate involvement of WRKY genes upon host and non-host infection (different strain of Magnaporthe grisea) and osmotic stress in Rice, we performed a gene family transcription analysis using custom microarray. Results indicate that a relevant part of WRKY genes are involved during at least one of these stresses, that there is little difference in transcriptional regulation between host and non-host infection or between different tissues upon the same osmotic stress. Moreover, are evident groups of genes that, often with opposite behaviour, are co-regulated in all or most of the studied conditions. We thus formulated the hypothesis that WRKY genes might be part of co-regulatory networks with other WRKY genes. Keywords: stress response We analyzed 40 arrays and tested 6 conditions: BR29 (Non-host Pathogen), BR32 (Non-host Pathogen), FR13 (Host pathogen), Osmotic leaves 5 hours, Osmotic roots 1 hour and Osmotic roots 5 hours. 2 biological replicated were analyzed and between 2 to 4 technical replicates applied for each biological sample.
Project description:Phosphate starvation/sufficient rice seedling, root or shoot Pi-starvation or Pi-sufficient stresses responsible rice genes, including previously unannotated genes were identified by Illumina mRNA-seq technology. 53 million reads from Pi-starvation or Pi-sufficient root or shoot tissues were uniquely mapped to the rice genome, and these included 40574 RAP3 transcripts in root and 39748 RAP3 transcripts in shoot. We compared our mRNA-seq expression data with that from Rice 44K oligomicroarray, and about 95.5% (root) and 95.4% (shoot) transcripts supported by the array were confirmed expression both by the array and by mRNA-seq, Moreover, 11888 (root) and 11098 (shoot) RAP genes which were not supported by array, were evidenced expression with mRNA-seq. Furthermore, we discovered 8590 (root) and 8193 (shoot) previously unannotated transcripts upon Pi-starvation and/or Pi-sufficient.
Project description:To comprehend the gene expression profile in rice panicle under high temperature, Agilent 4×44k rice oligo microarray experiments were carried out using rice panicle of post-meiosis at 0 min, 10min, 20 min, 60 min, and 2 hr after the treatment of 40 degree centigrade, and the differentially expressed genes at the time course were involved in binding, catalysis, stress response, and cellular process. The significantly expressed genes were mainly up-regulated. Among HR genes, the predominant transcription factor gene families were Hsf, NAC, AP2/ERF, WRKY, MYB, and C2H2. The MapMan analysis demonstrated that, under heat treatment, the HR genes were enriched in the pathways related to biotic stress, abiotic stress including heat and cold, and cell cycle and development, ubiquitin-proteasome , lipid and secondary metabolisms, which revealed the great importance of cross-talk and protein homeostasis in response to heat in rice panicle of post-meiosis.
Project description:In order to identify new miRNAs, NAT-siRNAs and possibly abiotic-stress regulated small RNAs in rice, three small RNA libraries were constructed from control rice seedlings and seedlings exposed to drought or salt stress, and then subjected to pyrosequencing.
Project description:Regulation of gene expression by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is an important component of abiotic stress signal transduction mechanisms. Previous genome-wide analysis of chilling-induced changes in gene expression suggested a potential role of H2O2 and other ROS as key signals in the induction of early response genes in japonica rice (cv. Nipponbare). Candidate regulators including bZIP-, Myb- or WRKY-types of transcription factors that were responsive to both chilling (10oC) and exogenous H2O2, and their probable target clusters (as1/ocs/TGA1-like, MybR-like element containing genes) were inferred by integrative analysis of qPCR expression profiles and ab initio promoter motif data. In an effort to define the composition and hierarchical organization of the ROS-mediated chilling response regulatory networks, we examined the effect of exogenous H2O2 (6 hours in 4mM H2O2 at 28oC and then 6 hours of recovery in water at 28oC) on the transcriptome of Nipponbare in a genome-wide scale and compared them with the chilling stress transcriptome. Results of this study were consistent with our earlier model that a ROSbZIP-as1/ocs/TGA1 regulatory module is a direct consequence of chilling-induced elevation of intracellular ROS during the initial 24 hours. Keywords: time course (response to exogenous H2O2)
Project description:In higher plants, WRKY is a large transcription factor family involved in multiple biological processes by mediating either transcriptional activation or repression. Although the conserved WRKY domain is known to mediate the binding of WRKY transcription factors to DNA, little is known about how the other domains are involved in the regulation of transcription. We find that the group IId WRKY transcription factors interact with PHD-containing OBE proteins and form redundant WRKY-OBE complexes in Arabidopsis thaliana. We find that a conserved coiled-coil motif in the group IId WRKY transcription factors functions as an OBE-interacting domain (OID), which is involved in transcriptional repression and target gene selection. The WRKY-OBE complexes mediate transcriptional repression at a large number of stress responsive genes and are required for maintaining normal plant growth and development. While the growth of high order of wrky mutants is retarded at the early seedling stage, the low order of wrky mutants show reduced plant height and increased drought tolerance, which is consistent with the increased expression of stress responsive genes, including DREB1A, DREB1B, and DREB1C. Moreover, we found that the expression levels of most of group IId WRKY genes are markedly reduced in drought stress conditions relative to non-stress conditions. These results together suggest that the WRKY-OBE repress the transcription of stress responsive genes primarily under non-stress conditions, thereby coordinating plant growth and drought stress tolerance under variable environmental conditions.