Project description:We used Affymetrix miRNA arrays to analyze the expression of miRNAs in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of 8-week-old C57BL/6J wt mice. We compared these microarray-based expression profiles to ones obtained by miRNA sequencing from the same brain regions of the same mouse strain. miRNA expression profiling of frontal cortex and hippocampus from C57BL/6J mice (N=3) was performed with Affymetrix miRNA array
Project description:Gene expression profiling in C57BL/6J and A/J mouse inbred strains reveals gene networks specific for brain regions independent of genetic background Comparison of whole genome expression data of amygdala and hippocampus of both C57BL/6J and A/J mouse inbred strains using a network approach
Project description:We used Affymetrix miRNA arrays to analyze the expression of miRNAs in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of 8-week-old C57BL/6J wt mice. We compared these microarray-based expression profiles to ones obtained by miRNA sequencing from the same brain regions of the same mouse strain.
Project description:Ribosome stalling during translation has recently been shown to cause neurodegeneration, yet the signaling pathways triggered by stalled elongation complexes are unknown. To investigate these pathways we analyzed the brain of B6J-nmf205-/- mice in which neuronal elongation complexes are stalled at AGA codons due to deficiencies in a tRNA Arg(UCU) tRNA and GTPBP2, a mammalian ribosome rescue factor. Increased levels of phosphorylation of eIF2α (Ser51) were detected prior to neurodegeneration in these mice and transcriptome analysis demonstrated activation of ATF4, a key transcription factor in the integrated stress response (ISR) pathway. Genetic experiments showed that this pathway was activated by the eIF2α kinase, GCN2, in an apparent deacylated tRNA-independent fashion. Further we found that the ISR attenuates neurodegeneration in B6J-nmf205-/- mice, underscoring the importance of cellular and stress context on the outcome of activation of this pathway. These results demonstrate the critical interplay between translation elongation and initiation in regulating neuron survival during cellular stress. Examination of gene expression in cerebellum and hippocampus for 4 mice strains derived from C57BL/6J (B6J) strain. Microarray data was performed for 3 week and 5 week old mice in both cerebellum and hippocampus for B6J and B6J-nmf205-/- three replicates each. RNA-Seq data was perform on cerebellum of mice 3 weeks old, three replicates for each genotype: B6J, B6J-nmf205-/-, B6J-Gcn2-/- and B6J-nmf205-/-;Gcn2-/-.
Project description:Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is a sporadic, congenital, neuro-cutaneous disorder characterized by a mosaic, capillary malformation. SWS and isolated capillary malformations are caused by a somatic activating mutation in GNAQ encoding the G protein subunit alpha-q protein. The missense mutation R183Q is the sole GNAQ mutation identified thus far in affected tissues of 90% of SWS patients. In this study, we sequenced skin biopsies of affected capillary malformations from 9 patients. We identified the R183Q mutation in nearly all samples, but one sample exhibited a Q209R mutation. This new mutation occurs at the same residue as the constitutively-activating Q209L mutation, commonly seen in tumors. However, Q209R is a rare variant in this gene. To compare the effect of the Q209R mutation on downstream signaling, we performed reporter assays with a GNAQ-responsive reporter co-transfected with either GNAQ WT, R183Q, Q209L, Q209R, or C9X (representing a null allele). Q209L showed the highest reporter activation, with R183Q and Q209R showing significantly lower activation. To determine whether these mutations had similar or different downstream consequences we performed RNAseq analysis in microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1) electroporated with the same GNAQ variants. The R183 and Q209 missense variants caused extensive dysregulation of a broad range of transcripts compared to the WT or null allele, confirming that these are all activating mutations. However, the missense variants exhibited very few differentially expressed genes (DEGs) when compared to each other. These data suggest that these activating GNAQ mutations differ in magnitude of activation but have similar downstream effects.
Project description:Gene expression profiles were assessed in the hippocampus (HC), entorhinal cortex (EC), superior frontal gyrus (SG), and postcentral gyrus (PCG) across the lifespan of 63 cognitively intact individuals from 20-99 years old. New perspectives on the global gene changes that are associated with brain aging emerged, revealing two overarching concepts. First, different regions of the forebrain exhibited substantially different gene profile changes with age. For example, comparing equally powered groups, 5,029 probe sets were significantly altered with age (20-59 vs. 60-99) in the superior frontal gyrus, compared with 1,110 in the entorhinal cortex. Prominent change occurred in the 6th-7th decades across cortical regions, suggesting that this period is a critical transition point in brain aging, particularly in males. Second, clear gender differences in brain aging were evident across the lifespan, suggesting that the brain undergoes sexually dimorphic changes in gene expression not only in development but also in later life. Globally across all brain regions, males showed more gene change than females. Further, Gene Ontology analysis revealed that different categories of genes were predominantly affected in males vs. females. Notably, the male brain was characterized by global decreased catabolic and anabolic capacity with aging, with downregulated genes heavily enriched in energy production and protein synthesis/transport categories. Increased immune activation was a prominent feature of aging in both sexes, with more widespread activation in the female brain. These data open new opportunities to explore age-dependent changes in gene expression that set the balance between neurodegeneration and compensatory mechanisms in the brain, and suggest that this balance is set differently in males and females, an intriguing and novel idea. HgU133plus2.0 microarray chips were used to profile gene expression in 4 brain regions of cognitively intact humans, across the adult lifespan (ages 20-99). Experiment Overall Design: Postmortem brain tissue was collected from ADRC brain banks. Cases were preferentially selected where 3 or more brain regions were available.
Project description:A detailed knowledge of the mechanisms underlying brain aging is fundamental to understand its functional decline and the baseline upon which brain pathologies superimpose. Endogenous protective mechanisms must contribute to the adaptability and plasticity still present in the healthy aged brain. Apolipoprotein D (ApoD) is one of the few genes with a consistent and evolutionarily conserved up-regulation in the aged brain. ApoD protecting roles upon stress or injury are well known, but a study of the effects of ApoD expression in the normal aging process is still missing. Using an ApoD-knockout mouse we analyze the effects of ApoD on factors contributing to the functional maintenance of the aged brain. We focused our cellular and molecular analyses in cortex and hippocampus at an age representing the onset of senescence where mortality risks are below 25%, avoiding bias towards long-lived animals. Lack of ApoD causes a prematurely aged brain without altering lifespan. Age-dependent hyperkinesia and memory deficits are accompanied by differential molecular effects in cortex and hippocampus. Transcriptome analyses reveal distinct effects of ApoD loss on the molecular age-dependent patterns of cortex and hippocampus, with different cell-type contributions to age-regulated gene expression. Markers of glial reactivity, proteostasis, and oxidative and inflammatory damage reveal early signs of aging and enhanced brain deterioration in the ApoD-knockout brain. The lack of ApoD results in an age-enhanced significant reduction in neuronal calcium-dependent functionality markers and signs of early reduction of neuronal numbers in the cortex, thus impinging upon parameters clearly differentiating neurodegenerative conditions from healthy brain aging. Our data support the hypothesis that the physiological increased brain expression of ApoD represents a homeostatic anti-aging mechanism. The brain cortex and hippocampus of young and aged mice of wild-type and ApoD-KO genotypes were used for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. We aim at identifying distinct effects of ApoD loss on the molecular age-dependent patterns of cortex and hippocampus.