Project description:Due to its aquatic saprophytic lifestyle, the fungus Blastocladiella emersonii seems to be adapted to low aerated environments and thus can be an interesting model of study of the hypoxic stress response. Iron deprivation, a hypoxia-mimicking stimulus due to HIF-1 stabilization, and geldanamycin, that causes HIF-1 depletion by HSP90 inhibition, are helpful parameters to find an evidence of an oxygen-dependent regulatory mechanism in B. emersonii similar to the metazoan HIF-1 pathway.
Project description:We explored transcriptional responses of the chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii to some stress environmental conditions. Three distinct cDNA libraries constructed from mRNAs extracted from cells submitted to heat shock and different cadmium concentrations (50 and 100 mM) were sequenced and generated 6,350 high-quality EST sequences. These ESTs were assembled into 2,326 unigenes, being 51% of them not previously described in B. emersonii and consequently represent a worthy contribution of this work. We assigned to approximately 59% of the unigenes an orthologue in other organism, whereas 41% remained without a putative identification. Using the transcriptome data of B. emersonii we constructed a microarray slide containing 3,773 different cDNAs which comprise many biological processes of this fungus and analyzed its expression pattern in response to cadmium and heat shock. Through cDNA microarray assays we observed that 3,3% and 5,1% of the genes present in B. emersonii microarray slide were up-regulated in response to heat shock and cadmium, respectively. The main categories to which belong these genes were protein folding and proteolysis, proteins with antioxidant properties, cellular transport, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism. Interestingly, in response to cadmium stress, B. emersonii induced six different genes codifying Glutathione S-transferases and six Metacaspases, as well as several proteins from sulfur amino acid metabolism. Keywords: stress response; heavy metal stress response; heat shock response
Project description:Blastocladiella emersonii life cycle presents a number of drastic biochemical and morphological changes, mainly during two cell differentiation stages: the germination and the sporulation. To investigate the transcriptional changes taking place during the sporulation phase, which culminates with the production of the zoospores, motile cells responsible for the dispersal of the fungus, microarray experiments were performed.
Project description:Due to its aquatic saprophytic lifestyle, the fungus Blastocladiella emersonii seems to be adapted to low aerated environments and thus can be an interesting model of study of the hypoxic stress response. Iron deprivation, a hypoxia-mimicking stimulus due to HIF-1 stabilization, and geldanamycin, that causes HIF-1 depletion by HSP90 inhibition, are helpful parameters to find an evidence of an oxygen-dependent regulatory mechanism in B. emersonii similar to the metazoan HIF-1 pathway. Direct transcript comparison between cells grown under normoxic conditions (70%sat. O2 in air) and cells submitted to oxygen deprivation (direct and gradual) and iron (II) deprivation. It was also compared transcripts of cells submitted to direct 1-hour hypoxia (1%sat. O2) with cells treated with geldanamycin for 1 hour, followed to 1-hour hypoxia (1%sat. O2). There are at least 3 biological replicates (independent harvest) and 2 technical replicates of each array (L - left and R - right).
Project description:Blastocladiella emersonii life cycle presents a number of drastic biochemical and morphological changes, mainly during two cell differentiation stages: the germination and the sporulation. To investigate the transcriptional changes taking place during the sporulation phase, which culminates with the production of the zoospores, motile cells responsible for the dispersal of the fungus, microarray experiments were performed. Transcription comparisons between cell at the begining of the sporulation phase (zero min.) and at different time points throughout zoospore differentiation were performed in order to associate the gene expression profile with the morphologial changes which culminate with zoospore differentiation. Microarray experiments along the sporulation phase were also realized in the presence of 1% glucose, once such carbohydrate is able to block zoospore differentiation. The results obtained from both sets of experiments were compared in order to understand the glucose effect on sporulation. There are at least 3 biological replicates (independent harvest) and 2 technical replicates of each array (L - left and R - right).