Project description:Two-year rodent bioassays play a central role in evaluating both the carcinogenic potential of a chemical and generating quantitative information on the dose-response behavior for chemical risk assessments. The bioassays involved are expensive and time-consuming, requiring nearly lifetime exposures (two years) in mice and rats and costing $2 to $4 million per chemical. Since there are approximately 80,000 chemicals registered for commercial use in the United States and 2,000 more are added each year, applying animal bioassays to all chemicals of concern is clearly impossible. To efficiently and economically identify carcinogens prior to widespread use and human exposure, alternatives to the two-year rodent bioassay must be developed. In this study, animals were exposed for 13 weeks to two chemicals that were positive for lung tumors in the two-year rodent bioassay, two chemicals that were negative for tumors, and two vehicle controls. Gene expression analysis was performed on the lungs of the animals to assess the potential for identifying gene expression biomarkers that can predict tumor formation in a two-year bioassay following a 13 week exposure. Keywords: toxicology, chemical carcinogenesis, lung
Project description:Two-year rodent bioassays play a central role in evaluating both the carcinogenic potential of a chemical and generating quantitative information on the dose-response behavior for chemical risk assessments. The bioassays involved are expensive and time-consuming, requiring nearly lifetime exposures (two years) in mice and rats and costing $2 to $4 million per chemical. Since there are approximately 80,000 chemicals registered for commercial use in the United States and 2,000 more are added each year, applying animal bioassays to all chemicals of concern is clearly impossible. To efficiently and economically identify carcinogens prior to widespread use and human exposure, alternatives to the two-year rodent bioassay must be developed. In this study, animals were exposed for 13 weeks to two chemicals that were positive for liver tumors in the two-year rodent bioassay, two chemicals that were negative for liver tumors, and two vehicle controls. Gene expression analysis was performed on the livers of the animals to assess the potential for identifying gene expression biomarkers that can predict tumor formation in a two-year bioassay following a 13 week exposure. Keywords: toxicology, chemical carcinogenesis, liver
Project description:Two-year rodent bioassays play a central role in evaluating both the carcinogenic potential of a chemical and generating quantitative information on the dose-response behavior for chemical risk assessments. The bioassays involved are expensive and time-consuming, requiring nearly lifetime exposures (two years) in mice and rats and costing $2 to $4 million per chemical. Since there are approximately 80,000 chemicals registered for commercial use in the United States and 2,000 more are added each year, applying animal bioassays to all chemicals of concern is clearly impossible. To efficiently and economically identify carcinogens prior to widespread use and human exposure, alternatives to the two-year rodent bioassay must be developed. In this study, animals were exposed for 13 weeks to two chemicals that were positive for liver tumors in the two-year rodent bioassay, two chemicals that were negative for liver tumors, and two vehicle controls. Gene expression analysis was performed on the livers of the animals to assess the potential for identifying gene expression biomarkers that can predict tumor formation in a two-year bioassay following a 13 week exposure. Experiment Overall Design: Five week old female B6C3F1 mice were exposed for 13 weeks to the following treatments: 1) 1,5-Naphthalenediamine, CAS No. 2243-62-1, feed, 2000 ppm, positive liver carcinogen; 2) 2,3-Benzofuran, CAS No. 271-89-6, gavage, 240 mg/kg, positive liver carcinogen; 3) N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, CAS No. 1465-25-4, feed, 2000 ppm, negative liver carcinogen; 4) Pentachloronitrobenzene, CAS No. 82-68-8, feed, 8187 ppm, negative liver carcinogen; 5) Feed control; 6) Corn oil gavage control. Feed animals were exposed 7 days/week and gavage animals were exposed 5 days/week (5 ml/kg). Microarray analysis was performed on the livers of three mice per treatment group.
Project description:Two-year rodent bioassays play a central role in evaluating both the carcinogenic potential of a chemical and generating quantitative information on the dose-response behavior for chemical risk assessments. The bioassays involved are expensive and time-consuming, requiring nearly lifetime exposures (two years) in mice and rats and costing $2 to $4 million per chemical. Since there are approximately 80,000 chemicals registered for commercial use in the United States and 2,000 more are added each year, applying animal bioassays to all chemicals of concern is clearly impossible. To efficiently and economically identify carcinogens prior to widespread use and human exposure, alternatives to the two-year rodent bioassay must be developed. In this study, animals were exposed for 13 weeks to two chemicals that were positive for lung tumors in the two-year rodent bioassay, two chemicals that were negative for tumors, and two vehicle controls. Gene expression analysis was performed on the lungs of the animals to assess the potential for identifying gene expression biomarkers that can predict tumor formation in a two-year bioassay following a 13 week exposure. Experiment Overall Design: Five week old female B6C3F1 mice were exposed for 13 weeks to the following treatments: 1) 1,5-Naphthalenediamine, CAS No. 2243-62-1, feed, 2000 ppm, positive lung carcinogen; 2) 2,3-Benzofuran, CAS No. 271-89-6, gavage, 240 mg/kg, positive lung carcinogen; 3) N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, CAS No. 1465-25-4, feed, 2000 ppm, negative lung carcinogen; 4) Pentachloronitrobenzene, CAS No. 82-68-8, feed, 8187 ppm, negative lung carcinogen; 5) Feed control; 6) Corn oil gavage control. Feed animals were exposed 7 days/week and gavage animals were exposed 5 days/week (5 ml/kg). Microarray analysis was performed on the lungs of three mice per treatment group.
Project description:Two-year rodent bioassays play a central role in evaluating both the carcinogenic potential of a chemical and generating quantitative information on the dose-response behavior for chemical risk assessments. The bioassays involved are expensive and time-consuming, requiring nearly lifetime exposures (two years) in mice and rats and costing $2 to $4 million per chemical. Since there are approximately 80,000 chemicals registered for commercial use in the United States and 2,000 more are added each year, applying animal bioassays to all chemicals of concern is clearly impossible. To efficiently and economically identify carcinogens prior to widespread use and human exposure, alternatives to the two-year rodent bioassay must be developed. In this study, animals were exposed for 13 weeks to 10 chemicals that were positive for liver tumors in the two-year rodent bioassay, 14 chemicals that were negative for liver tumors, and two chemicals that produced an equivocal response. Matched vehicle control groups were run concurrently with each chemical treatment. Gene expression analysis was performed on the livers of the animals to assess the potential for identifying gene expression biomarkers and signaling pathways that can predict tumor formation in a two-year bioassay following a 13 week exposure.
Project description:Two-year rodent bioassays play a central role in evaluating both the carcinogenic potential of a chemical and generating quantitative information on the dose-response behavior for chemical risk assessments. The bioassays involved are expensive and time-consuming, requiring nearly lifetime exposures (two years) in mice and rats and costing $2 to $4 million per chemical. Since there are approximately 80,000 chemicals registered for commercial use in the United States and 2,000 more are added each year, applying animal bioassays to all chemicals of concern is clearly impossible. To efficiently and economically identify carcinogens prior to widespread use and human exposure, alternatives to the two-year rodent bioassay must be developed. In this study, animals were exposed for 13 weeks to 10 chemicals that were positive for liver tumors in the two-year rodent bioassay, 14 chemicals that were negative for liver tumors, and two chemicals that produced an equivocal response. Matched vehicle control groups were run concurrently with each chemical treatment. Gene expression analysis was performed on the livers of the animals to assess the potential for identifying gene expression biomarkers and signaling pathways that can predict tumor formation in a two-year bioassay following a 13 week exposure. Five-week-old female B6C3F1 mice were exposed for 13 weeks to 26 chemicals. The chemical and dose information are provided with the individual sample annotations. With each chemical treatment, a matched vehicle control group was run concurrently with the exposure. A subset of five chemicals, methylene chloride, naphthalene, 1,2,3-trichloropropane, propylene glycol mono-t-butyl ether, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene, were performed in a five-point dose response with matched control groups. The concentrations for these exposures overlapped those in the original cancer bioassay. Gavage exposures were administered 5 days per week and feed exposures were provided 7 days per week. For inhalation exposures, mice were exposed 6 hr per day, 5 days per week. After 13 weeks, animals were euthanized and livers were collected. The right, caudate and median liver lobes were minced together and used for microarray analysis. Microarray analysis was performed on the livers of three to five mice per treatment group.
Project description:The Hamner data set (endpoint A) was provided by The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences (Research Triangle Park, NC, USA). The study objective was to apply microarray gene expression data from the lung of female B6C3F1 mice exposed to a 13-week treatment of chemicals to predict increased lung tumor incidence in the 2-year rodent cancer bioassays of the National Toxicology Program. If successful, the results may form the basis of a more efficient and economical approach for evaluating the carcinogenic activity of chemicals. Microarray analysis was performed using Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 arrays on three to four mice per treatment group, and a total of 70 mice were analyzed and used as the MAQC-II's training set (GEO Series GSE6116). Additional data from another set of 88 mice were collected later and provided as the MAQC-II's external validation set (this Series). The training dataset had already been deposited in GEO by its provider and its accession number is GSE6116. 88 Samples
Project description:The Hamner data set (endpoint A) was provided by The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences (Research Triangle Park, NC, USA). The study objective was to apply microarray gene expression data from the lung of female B6C3F1 mice exposed to a 13-week treatment of chemicals to predict increased lung tumor incidence in the 2-year rodent cancer bioassays of the National Toxicology Program. If successful, the results may form the basis of a more efficient and economical approach for evaluating the carcinogenic activity of chemicals. Microarray analysis was performed using Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 arrays on three to four mice per treatment group, and a total of 70 mice were analyzed and used as the MAQC-II's training set (GEO Series GSE6116). Additional data from another set of 88 mice were collected later and provided as the MAQC-II's external validation set (this Series). The training dataset had already been deposited in GEO by its provider and its accession number is GSE6116.