Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below GSE248280 contains ChIP-Seq input (IN) and IP (IP) data. GSE248281 contains micro-C in the mcool format. N1 and N2 represent repeats 1 and 2. For ChIP, Merged represent the Merged IP Merged mcool files are in supplementary files of the serie GSE248280
Project description:Illumina bodyMap2 transcriptome Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of individual and mixture of 16 human tissues RNA. Additional supplementary files available at foot of this record. Additional information available as supplementary files at the foot of this record. ArrayExpress Release Date: 2011-03-17 Person Roles: submitter Person Last Name: Khrebtukova Person First Name: Irina Person Mid Initials: Person Email: Person Phone: 1-510-723-9219 Person Address: 25861 Industrial Blvd, Hayward CA 94545, USA Person Affiliation: Illumina
Project description:The Supplementary files (appended below) contain the mapping for the decoding of blinded samples. This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Project description:Transient siRNA-mediated knockdown of hnRNP L, followed by cycloheximide treatment to eliminate NMD. Supplementary files GSE37561_activated_exon.txt and GSE37561_repressed_exon.txt list exons predicted to be activated and repressed by hnRNPL, respectively.
Project description:Quantitative proteomic analysis of Myc-induced apoptosis in serum-deprived Rat1_Myc fibroblasts. Mitochondrial, chromatin, and soluble fractions analyzed. Original peptide data contained in Supplementary files. Keywords: proteomic, apoptosis, cell fractions
Project description:Comparison of WT, xrn1 delta and upf1 delta strains were used in a tiling array to yield genomic regions regulated by these proteins The supplementary CHP files record either the signal in log2 space or the p-values in linear space, per TAS output. The CHP files are further divided between UPF1 delta vs. WT and XRN1 delta vs. WT.
Project description:Supplementary proteome data of Vibrio alginolyticus strain: ZJ-T, the Wild-type raw files are in another project (ProteomeXchange ID: PXD035385).
Project description:This experiment is a part of global location analysis of the human DREAM complex including subunits: E2F4, RBL2/p130, LIN9 and LIN54. Specifically, the regions in Human Promoter Array 1.0R (GPL5082) bound by: E2F4 in G0-arrested T98G cells E2F4 in S-phase synchronized T98G cells LIN54 in G0-arrested T98G cells LIN54 in S-phase synchronized T98G cells LIN9 in G0-arrested T98G cells LIN9 in S-phase synchronized T98G cells p130 in G0-arrested T98G cells p130 in S-phase synchronized T98G cells were compared with input chromatin. MAT (Model-based Analysis for Tiling Arrays) .bar and .bed output files provided as supplementary files. Keywords: CHiP-chip genomic DNA