Project description:During senescence of detached rice leaves, tryptophan (Trp) and Trp-derived secondary metabolites such as serotonin and 4-coumaroylserotonin accumulated in concert with methanol (MeOH) production. This senescence-induced MeOH induction was closely associated with levels of pectin methylesterase (PME)1 mRNA and PME enzyme activity. Exogenous challenge of detached rice leaves with 1% MeOH accelerated Trp and serotonin biosynthesis with induction of the corresponding genes. No other solvents including ethanol resulted in a Trp-inducing effect. This MeOH-induced Trp synthesis was positively regulated by abscisic acid but negatively regulated by cytokinin, suggesting hormonal involvement on the action of MeOH. Endogenous overproduction or suppression of MeOH either by PME1 overexpression or RNAi gene silencing revealed that PME1 overexpressing lines produced twofold higher Trp levels with elevated Trp biosynthetic gene expression, whereas RNAi lines showed twofold reduction in Trp level in healthy control rice leaves, suggesting that MeOH acts as an endogenous elicitor to enhance Trp biosynthesis. Among many transcription factors induced following MeOH treatment, the WRKY family showed significant induction patterns of which WRKY14 appeared to play a key regulatory role in MeOH-induced Trp and Trp-derived secondary metabolite biosynthesis.
Project description:During senescence of detached rice leaves, tryptophan (Trp) and Trp-derived secondary metabolites such as serotonin and 4-coumaroylserotonin accumulated in concert with methanol (MeOH) production. This senescence-induced MeOH induction was closely associated with levels of pectin methylesterase (PME)1 mRNA and PME enzyme activity. Exogenous challenge of detached rice leaves with 1% MeOH accelerated Trp and serotonin biosynthesis with induction of the corresponding genes. No other solvents including ethanol resulted in a Trp-inducing effect. This MeOH-induced Trp synthesis was positively regulated by abscisic acid but negatively regulated by cytokinin, suggesting hormonal involvement on the action of MeOH. Endogenous overproduction or suppression of MeOH either by PME1 overexpression or RNAi gene silencing revealed that PME1 overexpressing lines produced twofold higher Trp levels with elevated Trp biosynthetic gene expression, whereas RNAi lines showed twofold reduction in Trp level in healthy control rice leaves, suggesting that MeOH acts as an endogenous elicitor to enhance Trp biosynthesis. Among many transcription factors induced following MeOH treatment, the WRKY family showed significant induction patterns of which WRKY14 appeared to play a key regulatory role in MeOH-induced Trp and Trp-derived secondary metabolite biosynthesis. Total RNAs were extracted from the detached rice leaves with 1% MeOH or distilled water for 1 d, and gene expression was compared between the two groups with two replicates. DW, detached leaves in distilled water for 1 day; MeOH (2-replications), methanol treated detached leaves at the same time point as control. 2 sets of separately normalized data; DW-MeOH(1) and MeOH(2).
Project description:Cancer cells vary in their nutritional dependencies, thus characterization of nutrient demand of each tumor type is needed to uncover specific vulnerabilities. We demonstrate that MYC-driven liver tumors rely on increased tryptophan (Trp) uptake to grow. By following 13C-Trp in vivo-labeling, we found that Trp catabolism is reduced while its incorporation into proteins is increased in tumors. Trp deprivation prevents MYC-driven tumors from arising, as well as the growth of xenografted cells while minimally affecting normal cells. Trp starvation causes a reduction in the expression of growth-related and ribosome biogenesis genes while enhancing regulators of lipid metabolism, including PPAR, and enzymes involved in -oxidation and ketosis. Under Trp starvation, surviving cancer cells are reprogramed to utilize lipids; thus, providing a high-fat diet rescued the growth of tumors starved of Trp. We shows that Trp deprivation may be a powerful tool to treat liver tumors if dietary fat intake is low.
Project description:A single cell TCR-RNAseq data set comprised of CD4+CD8+ and CD4+ thymocytes and CD25+ Treg progenitors (TRP), Foxp3lo TRP, de novo developing Tregs and recirculating mature Tregs.
Project description:Fusarium graminearum is a plant pathogen that can cause the devastating cereal grain disease fusarium head blight (FHB) in temperate regions of the world. Previous studies have shown that F. graminearum can synthetize indole-3-acetic acid (auxin) using L-tryptophan (L-TRP)-dependent pathways. In the present study, Gene expression profiles were obtained using microarray analysis of RNAs from F. graminearum cultures in auxin producing conditions, treated with L-TRP, tryptamine (TAM) and indole-3 acetaldehyde (IAAld). A comparative expression profiling of all treatments identified candidate genes for auxin production in F. graminearum. Additional analysis of the expression profiling between L-TRP-treated and control cultures showed that L-TRP treatment induce the up-regulation of a series of genes with predicted function in the metabolism of L-TRP via anthranilic acid and catechol towards the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
Project description:Strain background is BMA64 with RNT1 gene deleted with the TRP marker Media is SD -Trp (synthetic dextrose minimal media missing tryptophan) Cells were grown until midlog and harvested at OD600=0.4; MAS5 (Statistical Algorithm) Scaling:All Probe Sets Target Signal 500;Normalization:All Probe Sets; Alpha1=0.04; Alpha2=0.06; Tau=0.015 Strain background is BMA64 with plasmid expressing TRP marker Media is SD -Trp (synthetic dextrose minimal media missing tryptophan) Cells were grown until midlog and harvested at OD600=0.4 ; MAS5 (Statistical Algorithm) Scaling:All Probe Sets Target Signal 500;Normalization:All Probe Sets; Alpha1=0.04; Alpha2=0.06; Tau=0.015 Keywords: repeat sample
Project description:Strain background is BMA64 with RNT1 gene deleted with the TRP marker Media is SD -Trp (synthetic dextrose minimal media missing tryptophan) Cells were grown until midlog and harvested at OD600=0.4; MAS5 (Statistical Algorithm) Scaling:All Probe Sets Target Signal 500;Normalization:All Probe Sets; Alpha1=0.04; Alpha2=0.06; Tau=0.015,Strain background is BMA64 with plasmid expressing TRP marker Media is SD -Trp (synthetic dextrose minimal media missing tryptophan) Cells were grown until midlog and harvested at OD600=0.4,; MAS5 (Statistical Algorithm) Scaling:All Probe Sets Target Signal 500;Normalization:All Probe Sets; Alpha1=0.04; Alpha2=0.06; Tau=0.015
Project description:Local catabolism of the amino acid tryptophan (Trp) by indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is considered an important mechanism of regulating T cell immunity. We show that IDO transcription was increased upon stimulation of myelin-specific T cells with tolerogenic altered self-peptides. Catabolites of Trp suppressed proliferation of myelin-specific T cells and inhibited production of proinflammatory TH1 cytokines. N-(3,4,-dimethoxycinnamoyl) anthranilic acid (3,4-DAA), an orally active synthetic derivative of the Trp metabolite anthranilic acid, reversed paralysis in mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Trp catabolites and their derivatives offer a new strategy for treating TH1-mediated autoimmune diseases, such as MS. 4Y vd 1-11 comparison files are available as supplementary files. Keywords: 48hr activation, MBPAc1-11 Cd4+ T cell, murine Mu11ksubA and Mu11subB combined anaylsis
Project description:Inverted repeats (IRs) can facilitate structural variation as crucibles of genomic rearrangement. Complex DUP-TRP/INV-DUP rearrangements that contain breakpoint junctions within IRs have been recently associated with both MECP2 duplication syndrome (MIM#300260) and Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD, MIM#312080). We investigated 17 unrelated PMD subjects with copy number gains at the PLP1 locus including triplication and quadruplication of specific genomic intervals – 16/17 were found to have a DUP-TRP/INV-DUP rearrangement product. An IR distal to PLP1 facilitates DUP-TRP/INV-DUP formation as well as an inversion structural variation found frequently amongst normal individuals. We show that a homology—or homeology—driven replicative mechanism of DNA repair can apparently mediate template switches within stretches of microhomology. Moreover, we provide evidence that quadruplication, and potentially higher order amplification of a genomic interval, can occur in a manner consistent with rolling circle amplification as predicted by the microhomology mediated break induced replication (MMBIR) model.