Project description:Obesity and overweight are closely related to diet, and gut microbiota play an important role in body weight and human health. The aim of this study was to explore how Lactobacillus curvatus HY7601 and Lactobacillus plantarum KY1032 supplementation alleviate obesity by modulating the human gut microbiome. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted on 72 overweight individuals. Over a 12-week period, probiotic groups consumed 5×10^9 colony-forming units of HY7601 and KY1032), whereas the placebo group consumed the same product without probiotics. After treatment, the probiotic group displayed a reduction in body weight (p <0.001), visceral fat mass (p <0.025), and waist circumference (p <0.007), and an increase in adiponectin (p <0.046), compared with the placebo group. Additionally, HY7601 and KY1032 supplementation modulated bacterial gut microbiota characteristics and beta diversity by increasing Bifidobacteriaceae and Akkermansiaceae, and decreasing Prevotellaceae and Selenomonadaceae. In summary, HY7601 and KY1032 probiotics exert anti-obesity effects by regulating the gut microbiota; hence, they have therapeutic potential for preventing or alleviating obesity and overweight.
Project description:Modulation of gut microbiota through probiotic supplementation is an interesting strategy to prevent obesity We use microarrays to study the global genome expression of C. elegans fed with the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis sbsp. lactis CECT 8145
Project description:Difference in gut microbiome is linked with health, disease and eventually host fitness, however, the molecular mechanisms by which this variation affects the host fitness are not well characterized. Here, we modified the fish gut microbiota by using antibiotic and probiotic to address the effect of host microbiome on gene expression pattern by using transcriptome.
Project description:It is well-established that women are disproportionately affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The mechanisms underlying this sex-specific disparity are not fully understood, but several factors that are often associated-including interactions of sex hormones, genetic factors, and the gut microbiome-likely contribute to the disease's etiology. Here, we have examined the role of sex hormones and the gut microbiome in mediating A amyloidosis and neuroinflammation in APPPS1-21 mice. We report that postnatal gut microbiome perturbation in female APPPS1-21 mice leads to an elevation in levels of circulating estradiol. Early stage ovariectomy (OVX) leads to a reduction of plasma estradiol that is correlated with a significant alteration of gut microbiome composition and reduction in A pathology. On the other hand, supplementation of OVX-treated animals with estradiol restores A burden and influences gut microbiome composition. The reduction of A pathology with OVX is paralleled by diminished levels of plaque-associated MGnD-type microglia while estradiol supplementation of OVX-treated animals leads to a restoration of activated microglia around plaques. In summary, our investigation elucidates the complex interplay between sex-specific hormonal modulations, gut microbiome dynamics, metabolic perturbations, and microglial functionality in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
Project description:We demonstrate that blueberry supplementation led to global changes in the gut microbiome, which could possibly contribute to physiological changes in mice
Project description:Opioid analgesics are frequently prescribed in the United States and worldwide. However, serious side effects such as addiction, immunosuppression and gastrointestinal symptoms limit long term use. In the current study using a chronic morphine-murine model a longitudinal approach was undertaken to investigate the role of morphine modulation of gut microbiome as a mechanism contributing to the negative consequences associated with opioids use. The results revealed a significant shift in the gut microbiome and metabolome within 24 hours following morphine treatment when compared to placebo. Morphine induced gut microbial dysbiosis exhibited distinct characteristic signatures profiles including significant increase in communities associated with pathogenic function, decrease in communities associated with stress tolerance. Collectively, these results reveal opioids-induced distinct alteration of gut microbiome, may contribute to opioids-induced pathogenesis. Therapeutics directed at these targets may prolong the efficacy long term opioid use with fewer side effects.
Project description:Opioids such as morphine have many beneficial properties as analgesics, however, opioids may induce multiple adverse gastrointestinal symptoms. We have recently demonstrated that morphine treatment results in significant disruption in gut barrier function leading to increased translocation of gut commensal bacteria. However, it is unclear how opioids modulate the gut homeostasis. By using a mouse model of morphine treatment, we studied effects of morphine treatment on gut microbiome. We characterized phylogenetic profiles of gut microbes, and found a significant shift in the gut microbiome and increase of pathogenic bacteria following morphine treatment when compared to placebo. In the present study, wild type mice (C57BL/6J) were implanted with placebo, morphine pellets subcutaneously. Fecal matter were taken for bacterial 16s rDNA sequencing analysis at day 3 post treatment. A scatter plot based on an unweighted UniFrac distance matrics obtained from the sequences at OTU level with 97% similarity showed a distinct clustering of the community composition between the morphine and placebo treated groups. By using the chao1 index to evaluate alpha diversity (that is diversity within a group) and using unweighted UniFrac distance to evaluate beta diversity (that is diversity between groups, comparing microbial community based on compositional structures), we found that morphine treatment results in a significant decrease in alpha diversity and shift in fecal microbiome at day 3 post treatment compared to placebo treatment. Taxonomical analysis showed that morphine treatment results in a significant increase of potential pathogenic bacteria. Our study shed light on effects of morphine on the gut microbiome, and its role in the gut homeostasis.
Project description:Modulation of gut microbiota through probiotic supplementation is an interesting strategy to prevent obesity We use microarrays to study the global genome expression of C. elegans fed with the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis sbsp. lactis CECT 8145 Wild type strain N2 of C. elegans was cutured in Nematode Growth medium (NGM, control fed) or NGM with a bacterial lawn fed of the strain B. animalis subsp. lactis CECT 8145, until reach young adult stage. Worm population were age-synchronized. RNA was isolated from each populations (control and treated) using RNAasy Kit (Qiagen) and hybridizated on Affymetrix microarrays.
Project description:Obesity is a risk factor for Osteoarthritis (OA), the greatest cause of disability in the US. The impact of obesity on OA is driven by systemic inflammation, now understood to be caused by an altered gut microbiome. Oligofructose, a non-digestible prebiotic fiber, can correct the obese gut microbiome, suggesting a novel approach to treat the OA of obesity. Here we report that in the obese murine gut, beneficial Bifidobacteria are lost while key proinflammatory species gain in abundance. A downstream systemic inflammatory signature culminates with accelerated knee OA. Oligofructose supplementation corrects the obese gut microbiome in part by supporting key commensal microflora, particularly Bifidobacterium pseudolongum. This leads to reduced inflammation in the colon, circulation and knee, and protection from OA. This novel recognition of a gut microbiome-OA connection sets the stage for discovery of new OA therapeutics targeting specific microbes inhabiting the intestinal space to inhibit disease pathology.