Project description:Peak bone mass (PBM) is an important determinant of osteoporosis. Circulating monocytes may serve as early progenitors of osteoclasts and produce important molecules for bone metabolism. To search for genes functionally important for osteoclastogenesis, we performed a whole genome gene differential expression study of circulating monocytes in human subjects with extremely low vs. high peak bone mass. Keywords: Circulating monocyte, Gene expression, Peak bone mass, DNA microarray
Project description:Peak bone mass (PBM) is an important determinant of osteoporosis. Circulating monocytes may serve as early progenitors of osteoclasts and produce important molecules for bone metabolism. To search for genes functionally important for osteoclastogenesis, we performed a whole genome gene differential expression study of circulating monocytes in human subjects with extremely low vs. high peak bone mass. Experiment Overall Design: We first recruited 878 healthy Chinese females aged 20-45 y with an average of 27.3 y when PBM is attainted and maintained. Then, we distributed the total sample according to the hip Z-score of PBM. From the bottom 100 and top 100 subjects of the PBM phenotypic distribution, we selected 12 subjects (Low-PBM 1-12) and 14 (High-PBM 1-14) with extremely low and high PBM for further DNA microarray experiments.Total RNA was extracted from monocytes
Project description:Comparison of circulating monocytes from pre- and postmenopausal females with low or high bone mineral density (BMD). Circulating monocytes are progenitors of osteoclasts, and produce factors important to bone metabolism. Results provide insight into the role of monocytes in osteoporosis. We identify osteoporosis genes by microarray analyses of monocytes in high vs. low hip BMD (bone mineral density) subjects. Microarray analyses of monocytes were performed using Affymetrix 1.0 ST arrays in 73 Caucasian females (age: 47-56) with extremely high (mean ZBMD =1.38, n=42, 16 pre- and 26 postmenopausal subjects) or low hip BMD (mean ZBMD=-1.05, n=31, 15 pre- and 16 postmenopausal subjects). Differential gene expression analysis in high vs. low BMD subjects was conducted in the total cohort as well as pre- and post-menopausal subjects.
Project description:Comparison of circulating monocytes from pre- and postmanopausal females with low or high bone mineral density (BMD). Circulating monocytes are progenitors of osteoclasts, and produce factors important to bone metabolism. Results provide insight into the role of monocytes in osteoporosis. We identify osteoporosis genes by microarray analyses of monocytes in high vs. low hip BMD (bone mineral density) subjects.
Project description:Comparison of circulating monocytes from pre- and postmenopausal females with low or high bone mineral density (BMD). Circulating monocytes are progenitors of osteoclasts, and produce factors important to bone metabolism. Results provide insight into the role of monocytes in osteoporosis. We identify osteoporosis genes by microarray analyses of monocytes in high vs. low hip BMD (bone mineral density) subjects.
Project description:Comparison of circulating monocytes from pre- and postmanopausal females with low or high bone mineral density (BMD). Circulating monocytes are progenitors of osteoclasts, and produce factors important to bone metabolism. Results provide insight into the role of monocytes in osteoporosis. We identify osteoporosis genes by microarray analyses of monocytes in high vs. low hip BMD (bone mineral density) subjects. Microarray analyses of monocytes were performed using Affymetrix HG-133A arrays in 80 Caucasian females, including 40 high (20 pre- and 20 postmanopausal) and 40 low hip BMD (20 pre- and 20 postmanopausal) subjects
Project description:B cells produce important cytokines regulate bone metabolism. We comparison gene expression patterns of circulating B cells in blood from 20 postmenopausal female smokers with low or high bone mineral density (BMD): 10 low BMD vs. 10 high BMD. In total 17 differentially expressed genes were identified with smoking-related osteoporosis. Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:B cells produce important cytokines regulate bone metabolism. We comparison gene expression patterns of circulating B cells in blood from 20 postmenopausal females with low or high bone mineral density (BMD): 10 low BMD vs. 10 high BMD. In total 29 differentially expressed genes were identified including some novel genes to be relevant to bone metabolism. These results provide insight into the role of B cells in pathologic osteoporosis. Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:Chromatin immunoprecipitation in combination with a genome-wide analysis via high-throughput sequencing is the state of the art method to gain genome-wide representation of histone modification or transcription factor binding profiles. However, chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis in the context of human experimental samples is limited, especially in the case of blood cells. The typically extremely low yields of precipitated DNA are usually not compatible with library amplification for next generation sequencing. We developed a highly reproducible protocol to present a guideline from the first step of isolating monocytes from a blood sample to analyse the distribution of histone modifications in a genome-wide manner. ChIP-seq histone modifications in CD14++ CD16- monocytes from human blood samples
Project description:Caloric restriction is considered to be anti-inflammatory. In this study we examined the effect of fasting on peripheral leukocyte populations. We found that short-term fasting affects metabolic and pro-inflammatory activity of monocytes and decreases numbers of circulating monocytes. For this study, we sorted hepatocytes from fed and fasted mice, monocytes from bone marrow from fed and fasted mice, and monocytes from bone marrow from wildtype and Ccr2-deficient mice.