Project description:Total RNA was isolated from 3 WT and 3 ERRa null hearts and independent hybridizations were performed using MOE430 2.0 microarrays. Expression profiling was conducted to determine changes in gene expression in hearts lacking ERRa. The expression of genes involved in heart and muscle development, muscle contraction, lipid metabolism, OxPhos, protein metabolism and transcription were affected by the loss of ERRa. Keywords: microarray and genetic modification
Project description:Total RNA was isolated from 3 WT and 3 ERRalpha null hearts and independent hybridizations were performed using MOE430 2.0 microarrays. Expression profiling was conducted to determine changes in gene expression in hearts lacking ERRa. The expression of genes involved in heart and muscle development, muscle contraction, lipid metabolism, OxPhos, protein metabolism and transcription were affected by the loss of ERRa. Experiment Overall Design: 3 hearts from WT and 3 hearts from ERRalpha-null mice were used in the study. The expression of genes in the ERRalpha KO hearts were compared to the reference WT hearts.
Project description:The ketogenic diet has been successful in promoting weight loss among patients that have struggled with weight gain. This is due to the cellular switch in metabolism that utilizes liver-derived ketone bodies for the primary energy source rather than glucose. Fatty acid transport protein 2 (FATP2) is highly expressed in liver, small intestine, and kidney where it functions in both the transport of exogenous long chain fatty acids (LCFA) and in the activation to CoA thioesters of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA). We have completed a multi-omic study of FATP2-null (Fatp2-/-) mice maintained on a ketogenic diet (KD) or paired control diet (CD), with and without a 24-hour fast (KD-fasted and CD-fasted) to address the impact of deleting FATP2 under high-stress conditions. Control (wt/wt) and Fatp2-/- mice were maintained on their respective diets for 4-weeks. Afterwards, half the population was sacrificed while the remaining were fasted for 24-hours prior to sacrifice. We then performed paired-end RNA-sequencing on the whole liver tissue to investigate differential gene expression. The differentially expressed genes mapped to ontologies such as the metabolism of amino acids and derivatives, fatty acid metabolism, protein localization, and components of the immune system’s complement cascade, and were supported by the proteome and histological staining.
Project description:We hypothesized that the estrogen-related receptor a (ERRa), which recruits PGC-1a to metabolic target genes in heart, exerts protective effects in the context of stressors known to cause heart failure. ERRa-/- mice subjected to left ventricular (LV) pressure overload developed signatures of heart failure including chamber dilatation and reduced LV fractional shortening. 31P-NMR studies revealed abnormal phosphocreatine depletion in ERRa-/- hearts subjected to hemodynamic stress, indicative of a defect in ATP reserve. Mitochondrial respiration studies demonstrated reduced maximal ATP synthesis rates in ERRa-/- hearts. Cardiac ERRa target genes involved in energy substrate oxidation, ATP synthesis, and phosphate transfer were downregulated in ERRa-/- mice at baseline or with pressure overload. These results demonstrate that ERRa, a potential therapeutic target, is indispensable for the adaptive bioenergetic response to hemodynamic stressors known to cause heart failure. Experiment Overall Design: Microarray analyses were performed with two samples each of ERRawt and ERRako to compare baseline changes in gene expression. Validation real-time PCR (n=7) was subsequently performed to characterize expression changes of gene targets identified in microarray and ChIP-chip studies in hearts of ERRa wt and KO mice at baseline and subjected to pressure overload stress.
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to identify the differential cardiac transcriptome profiling between WT and Smyd1 null (Smyd1-KO) hearts at E9.5 using RNA-seq. Methods: mRNA profiles of E9.5 WT and Smyd1-KO mouse hearts were generated by deep sequencing, n=3 for each genotype, using Illumina HiSeq2500. The sequence reads were aligned to the mm10 reference genome using STAR via the bcbio-nextgen RNA-sequencing pipeline. Differential gene expression was determined by DEseq2. Results: 1756 genes were differentially expressed between WT and Smyd1-KO hearts [adjusted P value <0.05, |log2(Fold Change)| > 0.5], with 1130 upregulated and 626 downregulated in E9.5 Smyd1-KO hearts.
Project description:We created mice, which are deficient for Myc specifically in cardiac myocytes by crossing crossed Myc-floxed mice (Mycfl/fl) and MLC-2VCre/+ mice. Serial analysis of earlier stages of gestation revealed that Myc-deficient mice died prematurely at E13.5-14.5. Morphological analyses of E13.5 Myc-null embryos showed normal ventricular size and structure; however, decreased cardiac myocyte proliferation and increased apoptosis was observed. BrdU incorporation rates were also decreased significantly in Myc-null myocardium. Myc-null mice displayed a 3.67-fold increase in apoptotic cardiomyocytes by TUNEL assay. We examined global gene expression using oligonucleotide microarrays. Numerous genes involved in mitochondrial death pathways were dysregulated including Bnip3L and Birc2. Hearts were taken from wide type and Myc-null Mouse embryos at E13.5 under the dissecting scope. Cardiac myocyte RNA was isolated using TRIZOL®Reagent Total RNA (100 ng) was hybridized to the Sentrix® MouseRef-8 Expression BeadChip that contains probes for ~24,000 transcripts. GeneChips were scanned using the Hewlett-Packard GeneArray Scanner G2500A. The data were analyzed with Illumina Inc. BeadStudio version and normalized by rank invariant method.
Project description:To identify differences in gene expression between peptidylprolyl isomerase F (cyclophilin D; Ppif)-null hearts and WT control hearts.