Project description:4plex_physco_2014-05 - ppmax2 response to gr24 - How does the Ppmax2 moss mutant respond to Strigolactone (GR24)? - Two moss genotypes are used: WT and the Ppmax2 mutant. Moss tissues are fragmented, then plated on medium (Petri dish with cellophane disks) and cultivated for 3 weeks. Moss tissues are then transfered for 6 hours on acetone-containing medium (control treatment, for WT and Ppmax2) or GR24 (1 microM, in acetone)-containing medium (for Ppmax2). After 6 hours, the moss tissues are collected, quickly forzen in liquid nitrogen. RNA are isolated using the Quiagen RNeasy Plant mini kit (including a RNase-free DNase treatment on column). Two similar experiments (T1 and T2) have been led.
Project description:High-throughput sequencing of endogenous small RNAs from the moss Physcomitrella patens. This dataset encompasses microRNAs and other small RNAs of ~20-24 nucleotides expressed in the moss P. patens. SAMPLES UPDATED JULY 9, 2007 TO INCLUDE DATA ON SEQUENCED SMALL RNAS THAT DO NOT MATCH THE P. PATENS GENOME Keywords: High throughput small RNA sequencing
Project description:Transcription profiling of Physcomitrella patens Reute strain gametophore, mature sporophyte and spore stage. These samples are part of an large-scale expression data set for the model moss Physcomitrella patens.