Project description:These datasets describe the eliciting conditions for the leup operon in K. oxytoca and the metabolites of the pyr gene in K. oxytoca
File descriptions: 16495_KO1-3: ESI+ runs of the pyr KO K. oxytoca strain in M9+CAS+Gal KOx_WT1-3: ESI+ runs of K. oxytoca WT in M9+CAS+Gal
These files should be compared to each other.
KOxy_M9CASGAL_MSMS_Pyrazine files are targeted MS2 Qtof runs of compounds from Klebsiella oxytoca that have the pyrazine-like UV-Vis spectrum.
KoxNeu5Ac_1-3_AutoMSMS: ESI+ MS2 runs of WT K. oxytoca in M9+CAS+Neu5AC
KoxWT_1-3_AutoMSMS: ESI+ MS2 runs of WT K. oxytoca in M9+CAS
These files should be compared to each other.