Project description:we analyzed the miRNAs expression in Wistar rat liver tissues, High glucose (HG)-induced NAFLD Wistar rats (NAFLD group, n=3) and normal Wistar rats (normal group, n=3). Results provided the first global miRNAs in the NAFLD Wistar rat livers, and expanded the miRNAs repertoire in normal Wistar rat livers, which should be useful for further investigation into the biological functions and evolution of miRNAs in rats and other species. These findings suggest an important role of miRNAs in liver fat deposition, and implicate the participation of miRNAs in the NAFLD pathophysiological processes.
Project description:Purpose: to reveal the small RNA profile of postnatal retina in Wistar WU albino rat by Ion-Torrent PGM sequencing technology. Methods : Wistar WU rats ranging in age from P1 to P21 were anesthetized by inhalation using Forane prior to sacrifice at the same hour to avoid circadian variation. Total RNA was extracted from the retinal tissues of various developmental stages using NucleoSpin miRNA kit (Macherey–Nagel, Düren, Germany) following manufacturer's instructions. The miRNA concentration was assessed using Qubit microRNA Assay Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific, MA, USA). The RNA integrity number (RIN), an algorithm for judging the integrity of RNA samples, were evaluated using Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, USA) following the manufacturing instruction of the RNA 6000 Nano kit and RIN>7 was considered acceptable. MicroRNAs was also determined using the Agilent Small RNA Kit to have deeper view in the 10 to 40-nucleotide size range. Small RNA library construction from pooled retinal samples (N=3, in each age-group) were carried out according to the Ion Total RNA-Seq Kit v2 protocol (Revision E) with slight modification. Enzymatic reaction was performed in half reaction volume, while cleaning procedures were executed with the accurate final volume according to the protocol. The Ion 316 or 318 ™ Chip v2 was used for sequencing on the Ion Torrent PGM™ instrument according to the protocol of Ion PGM™ Hi-Q View Sequencing Kit. To assess reliability of miRNA workflow solution in 316 v2 chip, two independent P7 samples were assayed (biological replicates) and P21 sample were sequenced as technical replicates in every sequencing procedure. Some samples were also sequenced in 318 v2 chip (P3, P5, P10, P15 and P21) as biological replicate. Ion Torrent Suite Platform was used to trim the raw sequence data and remove any residual sequencing adapter fragments that remained on the 5′ or 3′ ends. Reads were mapped to the non-coding RNAs from ENSEMBL [Rnor_6.0 (GCA_000001895.4)] using TMAP algorithm. These aligned BAM (Binary Alignment Map) files were further processed in Galaxy Web-based platform (Afgan, 2018) via Cufflinks, Cuffmerge and Cuffdiff (Version application (Trapnell, 2010). Further analysis and visualising of the datasets was carried out in R Studio Software environment. qRT–PCR validation was performed using TaqMan assays.
Project description:The Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR) is a model whose rats are predisposed to develop seizures following acoustic stimulation. We aimed to establish the transcriptional profile of the WAR model, searching for genes that help in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the predisposition and seizures expression of this strain. RNA-Seq of the corpora quadrigemina of WAR and Wistar rats subjected to acoustic stimulation revealed 64 genes differentially regulated in WAR. We validated twelve of these genes by qPCR in stimulated and naive (nonstimulated) WAR and Wistar rats. Among these, Acsm3 was upregulated in WAR in comparison with both control groups. In contrast, Gpr126 and Rtel1 were downregulated in naive and stimulated WAR rats in comparison with the Wistar controls. Qdpr was upregulated only in stimulated WAR rats that exhibited audiogenic seizures. Our data show that there are genes with differential intrinsic regulation in the WAR model and that seizures can alter gene regulation. We identified new genes that might be involved in the epileptic phenotype and comorbidities of the WAR model.
Project description:Purpose: To study the expression profile of piRNAs in rat ovary Methods: Ovary from eight-weeks old, adult wistar rats were harvested after sacrificing the animal. The total RNA is isolated using trizol reagent. Subsequently, small RNA library was contructed using illumina kit as per manufacturer's instructions. Results: The reads were annotated to the rat genome (rn5) and piRNA database and their expression is studied Conclusions: Large number of piRNAs are expressed in rat ovary