Project description:To characterize regulons of alternative sigma factor SigH, SigL, and SigC in Listeria monocytogenes, in-frame mutant strains were created in the 10403S background. Regulons controlled by these 3 alternative sigma factors were characterized by whole-genome microarrays. The L. monocytogenes 10403S wild type and sigma factor null mutation strains were grown at 37 °C to stationary phase (defined in this study as growth to OD600 = 1.0, followed by incubation for an additional 3 h) prior to RNA isolation. Transcriptional profiles of 10403S wild type were compared to those of null mutation strain. In addition to stationary phase condition, SigC regulon was further characterized using heat stress (cultures grown to log phase at OD600 = 0.4, 37 °C and then exposed to heat at 55 °C for 10 min) and a condition with IPTG-inducible expression of sigC (sigC gene is placed under Pspac promoter using pLIV2 vector in wild type 10403S background). Under these conditions, expression profiles were compared between (i) wild type and sigC null mutant for heat stress and (ii) IPTG-inducible sigC strain and sigC null mutant, respectively. Using adjusted P < 0.05 and ≥ 1.5 fold change as cutoff values, microarray analyses identified 169 SigH-dependent, 51 SigL-dependent, and 3 SigC-dependent genes. Keywords: Listeria monocytogenes, alternative sigma factor, SigH, SigL, SigC
Project description:In this study, RNA-seq was used to compare the transcriptomes of Listeria monocytogenes 10403S::ΔBCHL Prha-sigH and ΔBCHL Prha. RNA-seq was performed on ΔBCHL Prha-sigH and ΔBCHL Prha RNA samples representing three independent biological replicates at log phase in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth under rhamnose induction. Indexed and purified cDNA libraries (6 libraries including 3 replicates for 2 strains) were loaded together onto an independent flow cell without any other samples; sequencing was carried out by running Hiseq 2500 (single-end, 150-bp per read). Reads alignment was carried out using the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA). Differential expression of genes in different strains was statistically assessed using the BaySeq method. To identify sigH-dependent promoters, a new method of moving sliding windows of 50 nt along the whole genome was used to compare the normalized RNA-seq coverage (NRC) between the two strains. Using the standard whole gene differential expression analysis, significant upregulation of 5 genes in 4 operons was found in the sigH overexpressing strain. While with the sliding windiow analysis, 2 additional σH-dependent promoters were identified. Our results show that three σH-dependent transcritption units that encode competence proteins, including the comEABC , comGABCDEFG and coiA.
Project description:In this study, RNA-seq was used to compare the transcriptomes of Listeria monocytogenes 10403S::ΔBCHL Prha-sigB and ΔBCHL Prha. RNA-seq was performed on ΔBCHL Prha-sigB and ΔBCHL Prha RNA samples representing three independent biological replicates at log phase in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth under rhamnose induction. Indexed and purified cDNA libraries (6 libraries including 3 replicates for 2 strains) were loaded together onto an independent flow cell without any other samples; sequencing was carried out by running Hiseq 2500 (single-end, 150-bp per read). Reads alignment was carried out using the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA). Differential expression of genes in different strains was statistically assessed using the BaySeq method. To identify sigB-dependent promoters, a method of moving sliding windows of 50 nt along the whole genome was used to compare the normalized RNA-seq coverage (NRC) between the two strains. Using the standard whole gene differential expression analysis, significant upregulation of 255 genes was found in the sigB overexpressing strain. While with the sliding windiow analysis, 18 σB-dependent promoters were newly identified.
Project description:Alkali stress is an important means of inactivating undesirable pathogens in a wide range of situations. Unfortunately, Listeria monocytogenes can launch an alkaline tolerance response, significantly increasing persistence of the pathogen in such environments. This study compared transcriptome patterns of alkali and non-alkali-stressed L. monocytogenes 10403S cells, to elucidate the mechanisms by which Listeria adapts and/or grows during short- or long-term alkali stress. Transcription profiles associated with alkali shock (AS) were obtained by DNA microarray analysis of midexponential cells suspended in pH 9 media for 15, 30, or 60 min. Transcription profiles associated with alkali adaptation (AA) were obtained similarly from cells grown to midexponential phase at pH 9. Comparison of AS and AA transcription profiles with control cell profiles identified a high number of differentially regulated open-reading frames in all tested conditions. Rapid (15 min) changes in expression included upregulation of genes encoding for multiple metabolic pathways (including those associated with Na+/H+ antiporters), ATP-binding cassette transporters of functional compatible solutes, motility, and virulence-associated genes as well as the σ(B) controlled stress resistance network. Slower (30 min and more) responses to AS and adaptation during growth in alkaline conditions (AA) involved a different pattern of changes in mRNA concentrations, and genes involved in proton export.