Project description:We explored cell heterogeneity by single cell RNA sequencing in normal (HMLE) and cancer (BT-549) mammary cell lines. HMLE is a non-transformed epithelial cell line that possesses only a very small subpopulation of CD44highCD24low cells with mesenchymal and stem-like properties. Given the rarity of the CD44highCD24low subpopulation (1%), we performed single-cell analysis either on the bulk population or on FACS-sorted CD44highCD24low enriched samples.
Project description:The MUC1-C protein evolved in mammals for adaptation of barrier tissues to loss of homeostasis. Prolonged activation of MUC1-C in settings of chronic inflammation promotes lineage plasticity, epigenetic reprogramming and the cancer stem cell (CSC) state. The effects of MUC1-C on the metabolism of CSCs remain unexplored. We used single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to analyze the diversity of BT-549 spheroid cultures with and without knockdown of MUC1 to examine the effects of MUC1 on CSC renewal and metbolic states.
Project description:BT-549 cells were treated with thymoquinone for 6 h and chromatin immune-precipitation (ChIP) was performed using anti- MBD1 antibody (Abcam, USA). Anti-MBD1 could precipitate specific genomic region, which are methylated. The ChIP products were sequenced by library construction and bioinformatics analysis. The gene ontology (GO) analysis for multiple pathways was performed. The genomic methylated regions affected by TQ treatment were identified.
Project description:The objective of these experiments is to identify novel direct and indirect targets of miR-150-5p in breast cancer cell lines. The goal is that these will give direction as to what targets or pathways may be contributing to the reduced growth observed in these cell lines upon restoration of miR-150-5p. A therapy directed towards one or more critical subtype-specific targets could be developed as a therapeutic for breast cancer patients. Using has-miR-150-5p mirVana miRNA mimic (Ambion, 4464066), miR-150-5p was restored to a triple negative breast cancer cell line, BT-549.
Project description:The goal for this experiment was to analyze how knockdown of homeobox transcription factor Meox1 altered functional and mechanist biology of p53 and PTEN deficient triple negative breast cancer in vitro cell lines of claudin-low BT-549 and basal-like MDA-MB-468.
Project description:We report the altered metabolite changes by processing CT mRNA in the TNBC cell line, BT-549. It was confirmed that the treatment of CT mRNA disrupted the synthesis of dTTP during nucleic acid metabolism, increasing the signal related to DNA damage in the cell, and that the energy metabolism and NADPH metabolism in the cell were changed for its recovery. The main energy sources, glucose metabolism and glutamine metabolism, are closely linked to the mitochondrial TCA cycle products. In the CT mRNA treatment group, intracellular nucleic acid depletion was observed to increase glutamine metabolism as a source of N source, and the pathway of aspartate utilization was observed. It was confirmed that it was expanded. As a result, a significant increase in the cysteine influx was observed according to the occurrence of ROS, and an effort to regulate the intracellular NADPH balance was observed through the change of metabolites over time. Finally, it was observed that the oncogenic pathway was significantly reduced in the CT mRNA-treated group compared with all untreated groups or controls with other substrate specificities. This study characterizes changes in intracellular metabolites caused by specific dTTP biosynthesis disturbances.
Project description:Gene expression profile at single cell level of BT-549 TNBC Spheroid cultures with inducible expression of CTL or MUC1 targeting knockdown