Project description:Characterize the cellular diversity of the embryonic genital tubercle before sexual dimorphic morphogenesis in male and female mice.
Project description:The long term objective is to create an encyclopedia of the expression levels of all genes in multiple components of the developing urogenital system. The central thesis is straightforward. The combination of microdissected and laser capture microdissection (LCM) plus Microarray analysis offers a powerful, efficient and effective method for the creation of a global gene expression atlas of the developing urogenital system. Microarrays with essentially complete genome coverage can be used to quantitate expression levels of every gene. The ensuing rapid read-out provides an expression atlas that is more sensitive, more economical and more complete than would be possible by in situ hybridizations alone. The data submitted here represents the gene expression profiles of the embryonic day 14 genital tubercle of the male and the female. The genital tubercle region from E14 (TS22) FVB/N males and females were microdissected and total RNA isolated for gene expression analysis using the Affymetrix MOE430 microarray chip.
Project description:The long term objective is to create an encyclopedia of the expression levels of all genes in multiple components of the developing urogenital system. The central thesis is straightforward. The combination of microdissected and laser capture microdissection (LCM) plus microarray analysis offers a powerful, efficient and effective method for the creation of a global gene expression atlas of the developing urogenital system. Microarrays with essentially complete genome coverage can be used to quantitate expression levels of every gene. The ensuing rapid read-out provides an expression atlas that is more sensitive, more economical and more complete than would be possible by in situ hybridizations alone. The data submitted here represents the gene expression profiles of the embryonic day 14 gential tubercle of the male. Experiment Overall Design: The genital tubercle region from an E14 (TS22) SMAA/EYFP males were microdissected and total RNA isolated for gene expression analysis using the Affymetrix MOE430 microarray chip.
Project description:Gene expression profiles of the P1 bladder isolated from SMAA or SMAGA (Acta2 or Actg2) transgenic and wild type mice. (GUDMAP Series ID: 2)
Project description:Molecular characterization of the genital organizer: Gene expression profile of the mouse urethral plate epithelium (GUDMAP Series ID: 51)