Project description:Amniote epiblast cells differentiate into mesoderm and endoderm lineages during gastrulation through a process called epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Molecular regulation of gastrulation EMT is poorly understood. Here we show that epiblast epithelial status was maintained by anchoring microtubules to the basal cortex via CLIP-associated protein (CLASP), a microtubule plus-end tracking protein, and Dystroglycan, a transmembrane protein that bridges the cytoskeleton and basement membrane (BM). Mesoderm formation required down-regulation of CLASP and Dystroglycan, and reducing CLASP activity in pregastrulation epiblast cells caused ectopic BM breakdown and disrupted epiblast integrity. These effects were mediated through the CLASP-binding partner LL5. Live-imaging using EB1-enhanced GFP (eGFP) revealed that reducing CLASP and LL5 levels in the epiblast destabilized basal microtubules. We further show that Dystroglycan is localized to basolateral membrane in epiblast cells. Basal but not lateral localization of Dystroglycan was regulated by CLASP. We propose that epiblast-BM interaction requires CLASP- and Dystroglycan-mediated cortical microtubule anchoring, the disruption of which initiates gastrulation EMT.
Project description:Basal bodies comprise nine symmetric triplet microtubules that anchor forces produced by the asymmetric beat pattern of motile cilia. The ciliopathy protein Poc1 stabilizes basal bodies through an unknown mechanism. In poc1∆ cells, electron tomography reveals subtle defects in the organization of intertriplet linkers (A-C linkers) that connect adjacent triplet microtubules. Complete triplet microtubules are lost preferentially near the posterior face of the basal body. Basal bodies that are missing triplets likely remain competent to assemble new basal bodies with nine triplet microtubules, suggesting that the mother basal body microtubule structure does not template the daughter. Our data indicate that Poc1 stabilizes basal body triplet microtubules through linkers between neighboring triplets. Without this stabilization, specific triplet microtubules within the basal body are more susceptible to loss, probably due to force distribution within the basal body during ciliary beating. This work provides insights into how the ciliopathy protein Poc1 maintains basal body integrity.
Project description:Basal bodies (BBs) are conserved eukaryotic structures that organize motile and primary cilia. The BB is comprised of nine, cylindrically arranged, triplet microtubules (TMTs) that are connected to each other by inter-TMT linkages which maintain BB structure. During ciliary beating, forces transmitted to the BB must be resisted to prevent BB disassembly. Poc1 is a conserved BB protein important for BBs to resist ciliary forces. To understand how Poc1 confers BB stability, we identified the precise position of Poc1 binding in the Tetrahymena BB and the effect of Poc1 loss on BB structure. Poc1 binds at the TMT inner junctions, stabilizing TMTs directly. From this location, Poc1 also stabilizes inter-TMT linkages throughout the BB, including the cartwheel pinhead and the inner scaffold. Moreover, we identify a molecular response to ciliary forces via a molecular remodeling of the inner scaffold, as determined by differences in Fam161A localization. Thus, while not essential for BB assembly, Poc1 promotes BB interconnections that establish an architecture competent to resist ciliary forces.
Project description:Previously, we have shown that bulk microtubule (MT) movement correlates with neurite elongation, and blocking either dynein activity or MT assembly inhibits both processes. However, whether the contributions of MT dynamics and dynein activity to neurite elongation are separate or interdependent is unclear. Here, we investigated the underlying mechanism by testing the roles of dynein and MT assembly in neurite elongation of Aplysia and chick neurites using time-lapse imaging, fluorescent speckle microscopy, super-resolution imaging and biophysical analysis. Pharmacologically inhibiting either dynein activity or MT assembly reduced neurite elongation rates as well as bulk and individual MT anterograde translocation. Simultaneously suppressing both processes did not have additive effects, suggesting a shared mechanism of action. Single-molecule switching nanoscopy revealed that inhibition of MT assembly decreased the association of dynein with MTs. Finally, inhibiting MT assembly prevented the rise in tension induced by dynein inhibition. Taken together, our results suggest that MT assembly is required for dynein-driven MT translocation and neurite outgrowth.
Project description:Autophagy is an intracellular degradation process that maintains homeostasis, responds to stress, and plays key roles in the prevention of aging and disease. Autophagosome biogenesis, vesicle rocketing, and autolysosome tubulation are controlled by multiple actin nucleation factors, but the impact of actin assembly on completion of the autophagic pathway is not well understood. Here we studied autophagosome and lysosome remodeling in fibroblasts harboring an inducible knockout (iKO) of the Arp2/3 complex, an essential actin nucleator. Arp2/3 complex ablation resulted in increased basal levels of autophagy receptors and lipidated membrane proteins from the LC3 and GABARAP families. Under both steady-state and starvation conditions, Arp2/3 iKO cells accumulated abnormally high numbers of autolysosomes, suggesting a defect in autophagic flux. The inability of Arp2/3 complex-deficient cells to complete autolysosome degradation and turnover is explained by the presence of damaged, leaky lysosomes. In cells treated with an acute lysosomal membrane-damaging agent, the Arp2/3-activating protein WHAMM is recruited to lysosomes, where Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin assembly is crucial for restoring intact lysosomal structure. These results establish the Arp2/3 complex as a central player late in the canonical autophagy pathway and reveal a new role for the actin nucleation machinery in maintaining lysosomal integrity.
Project description:Plant cortical microtubules align perpendicular to the growth axis to determine the direction of cell growth. However, it remains unclear how plant cells form well-organized cortical microtubule arrays in the absence of a centrosome. In this study, we investigated the functions of Arabidopsis NIMA-related kinase 6 (NEK6), which regulates microtubule organization during anisotropic cell expansion. Quantitative analysis of hypocotyl cell growth in the nek6-1 mutant demonstrated that NEK6 suppresses ectopic outgrowth and promotes cell elongation in different regions of the hypocotyl. Loss of NEK6 function led to excessive microtubule waving and distortion, implying that NEK6 suppresses the aberrant cortical microtubules. Live cell imaging showed that NEK6 localizes to the microtubule lattice and to the shrinking plus and minus ends of microtubules. In agreement with this observation, the induced overexpression of NEK6 reduced and disorganized cortical microtubules and suppressed cell elongation. Furthermore, we identified five phosphorylation sites in ?-tubulin that serve as substrates for NEK6 in vitro. Alanine substitution of the phosphorylation site Thr166 promoted incorporation of mutant ?-tubulin into microtubules. Taken together, these results suggest that NEK6 promotes directional cell growth through phosphorylation of ?-tubulin and the resulting destabilization of cortical microtubules.
Project description:The subventricular zone (SVZ) provides a specialized neurogenic microenvironment for proliferation and aggregation of basal progenitors (BPs). Our study reveals a mechanism for the aggregation of BPs within the SVZ required for their proliferation and generation of cortical layer neurons. The autism-related IgCAM, MDGA1, is locally expressed in the BP cell membrane where it co-localizes and complexes with the gap junction protein Connexin43. To address MDGA1 function, we created a floxed allele of MDGA1 and deleted it from BPs. MDGA1 deletion results in reduced BP proliferation and size of the SVZ, with an aberrant population of BPs ectopically positioned in the cortical plate. These defects are manifested in diminished production of cortical layer neurons and a significant reduction of the cortical layers. We conclude that MDGA1 functions to aggregate and maintain BPs within the SVZ providing the neurogenic niche required for their proliferation and generation of cortical layer neurons.
Project description:Fanconi Anemia (FA) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by hypersensitivity to inter-strand crosslinks (ICLs). FANCD2, a central factor of the FA pathway, is essential for the repair of double strand breaks (DSBs) generated during fork collapse at ICLs. While lesions different from ICLs can also trigger fork collapse, the contribution of FANCD2 to the resolution of replication-coupled DSBs generated independently from ICLs is unknown. Intriguingly, FANCD2 is readily activated after UV irradiation, a DNA-damaging agent that generates predominantly intra-strand crosslinks but not ICLs. Hence, UV irradiation is an ideal tool to explore the contribution of FANCD2 to the DNA damage response triggered by DNA lesions other than ICL repair. Here we show that, in contrast to ICL-causing agents, UV radiation compromises cell survival independently from FANCD2. In agreement, FANCD2 depletion does not increase the amount of DSBs generated during the replication of UV-damaged DNA and is dispensable for UV-induced checkpoint activation. Remarkably however, FANCD2 protects UV-dependent, replication-coupled DSBs from aberrant processing by non-homologous end joining, preventing the accumulation of micronuclei and chromatid aberrations including non-homologous chromatid exchanges. Hence, while dispensable for cell survival, FANCD2 selectively safeguards chromosomal stability after UV-triggered replication stress.
Project description:Diapedesis of leukocytes across endothelial cells is a crucial step in both the innate and adaptive immune responses. Surface molecules on leukocytes and endothelial cells critical for diapedesis have been identified, but the mechanisms underlying this process are not understood. Homophilic interaction between platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM) on leukocytes and PECAM at the endothelial border triggers targeted recycling of membrane from a reticulum localized close to the endothelial cell lateral border. This membrane surrounds the transmigrating leukocyte (Mamdouh, Z., X. Chen, L.M. Pierini, F.R. Maxfield, and W.A. Muller. 2003. Nature. 421:748-753). How this process occurs and whether it is required for diapedesis independent of PECAM are not known. We now report that targeted recycling from this lateral border recycling compartment (LBRC) is required for diapedesis, is mediated by kinesin family molecular motors, and requires normally functioning endothelial microtubules. Selective disruption of microtubules or inhibition of kinesin motor domain blocked targeted recycling and diapedesis of monocytes. Furthermore, targeted recycling of membrane from the LBRC was required for transmigration of lymphocytes, which migrate independently of PECAM. Thus, trafficking of membrane from the LBRC to surround leukocytes may be a general requirement for migration of leukocytes across the endothelial cell border. Furthermore, these data provide the first demonstration of a role for endothelial microtubules and kinesins in promoting diapedesis, and a mechanism to explain targeted recycling.
Project description:The assembly of microtubules during mitosis requires many identified components, such as γ-tubulin ring complex (γ-TuRC), components of the Ran pathway (e.g., TPX2, HuRP, and Rae1), and XMAP215/chTOG. However, it is far from clear how these factors function together or whether more factors exist. In this study, we used biochemistry to attempt to identify active microtubule nucleation protein complexes from Xenopus meiotic egg extracts. Unexpectedly, we found both microtubule assembly and bipolar spindle assembly required glycogen, which acted both as a crowding agent and as metabolic source glucose. By also reconstituting microtubule assembly in clarified extracts, we showed microtubule assembly does not require ribosomes, mitochondria, or membranes. Our clarified extracts will provide a powerful tool for activity-based biochemical fractionations for microtubule assembly.