Project description:Motile cells transduce environmental chemical signals into mechanical forces to achieve properly controlled migration. This signal-force transduction is thought to require regulated mechanical coupling between actin filaments (F-actins), which undergo retrograde flow at the cellular leading edge, and cell adhesions via linker "clutch" molecules. However, the molecular machinery mediating this regulatory coupling remains unclear. Here we show that the F-actin binding molecule cortactin directly interacts with a clutch molecule, shootin1, in axonal growth cones, thereby mediating the linkage between F-actin retrograde flow and cell adhesions through L1-CAM. Shootin1-cortactin interaction was enhanced by shootin1 phosphorylation by Pak1, which is activated by the axonal chemoattractant netrin-1. We provide evidence that shootin1-cortactin interaction participates in netrin-1-induced F-actin adhesion coupling and in the promotion of traction forces for axon outgrowth. Under cell signaling, this regulatory F-actin adhesion coupling in growth cones cooperates with actin polymerization for efficient cellular motility.
Project description:Millions of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur annually. TBIs commonly result from falls, traffic accidents, and sports-related injuries, all of which involve rotational acceleration/deceleration of the brain. During these injuries, the brain endures a multitude of primary insults including compression of brain tissue, damaged vasculature, and diffuse axonal injury. All of these deleterious effects can contribute to secondary brain ischemia, cellular death, and neuroinflammation that progress for weeks, months, and lifetime after injury. While the linear effects of head trauma have been extensively modeled, less is known about how rotational injuries mediate neuronal damage following injury. Here, we developed a new model of repetitive rotational head trauma in rodents and demonstrated acute and prolonged pathological, behavioral, and electrophysiological effects of rotational TBI (rTBI). We identify aberrant Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) activity as a principal mediator of rTBI. We utilized Cdk5-enriched phosphoproteomics to uncover potential downstream mediators of rTBI and show pharmacological inhibition of Cdk5 reduces the cognitive and pathological consequences of injury. These studies contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the mechanisms of rTBI and how they may be effectively treated.
Project description:Polymerising filaments generate force against an obstacle, as in, e.g., microtubule-kinetochore interactions in the eukaryotic cell. Earlier studies of this problem have not included explicit three-dimensional monomer diffusion, and consequently, missed out on two important aspects: (i) the barrier, even when it is far from the polymers, affects free diffusion of monomers and reduces their adsorption at the tips, while (ii) parallel filaments could interact through the monomer density field ("diffusive coupling"), leading to negative interference between them. In our study, both these effects are included and their consequences investigated in detail. A mathematical treatment based on a set of continuum Fokker-Planck equations for combined filament-wall dynamics suggests that the barrier-induced monomer depletion reduces the growth velocity and also the stall force, while the total force produced by many filaments remains additive. However, Brownian dynamics simulations show that the linear force-number scaling holds only when the filaments are far apart; when they are arranged close together, forming a bundle, sublinear scaling of force with number appears, which could be attributed to diffusive interaction between the growing polymer tips.
Project description:MKS3, encoding the transmembrane receptor meckelin, is mutated in Meckel-Gruber syndrome (MKS), an autosomal-recessive ciliopathy. Meckelin localizes to the primary cilium, basal body and elsewhere within the cell. Here, we found that the cytoplasmic domain of meckelin directly interacts with the actin-binding protein filamin A, potentially at the apical cell surface associated with the basal body. Mutations in FLNA, the gene for filamin A, cause periventricular heterotopias. We identified a single consanguineous patient with an MKS-like ciliopathy that presented with both MKS and cerebellar heterotopia, caused by an unusual in-frame deletion mutation in the meckelin C-terminus at the region of interaction with filamin A. We modelled this mutation and found it to abrogate the meckelin-filamin A interaction. Furthermore, we found that loss of filamin A by siRNA knockdown, in patient cells, and in tissues from Flna(Dilp2) null mouse embryos results in cellular phenotypes identical to those caused by meckelin loss, namely basal body positioning and ciliogenesis defects. In addition, morpholino knockdown of flna in zebrafish embryos significantly increases the frequency of dysmorphology and severity of ciliopathy developmental defects caused by mks3 knockdown. Our results suggest that meckelin forms a functional complex with filamin A that is disrupted in MKS and causes defects in neuronal migration and Wnt signalling. Furthermore, filamin A has a crucial role in the normal processes of ciliogenesis and basal body positioning. Concurrent with these processes, the meckelin-filamin A signalling axis may be a key regulator in maintaining correct, normal levels of Wnt signalling.
Project description:RAD51-associated protein 1 (RAD51AP1) is a key protein in the homologous recombination (HR) DNA repair pathway. Loss of RAD51AP1 leads to defective HR, genome instability, and telomere erosion. RAD51AP1 physically interacts with the RAD51 recombinase and promotes RAD51-mediated capture of donor DNA, synaptic complex assembly, and displacement-loop formation when tested with nucleosome-free DNA substrates. In cells, however, DNA is packaged into chromatin, posing an additional barrier to the complexities of the HR reaction. In this study, we show that RAD51AP1 binds to nucleosome core particles (NCPs), the minimum basic unit of chromatin in which approximately two superhelical turns of 147 bp double-stranded DNA are wrapped around one histone octamer with no free DNA ends remaining. We identified a C-terminal region in RAD51AP1, including its previously mapped DNA-binding domain, as critical for mediating the association between RAD51AP1 and both the NCP and the histone octamer. Using in vitro surrogate assays of HR activity, we show that RAD51AP1 is capable of promoting duplex DNA capture and initiating joint-molecule formation with the NCP and chromatinized template DNA, respectively. Together, our results suggest that RAD51AP1 directly assists in the RAD51-mediated search for donor DNA in chromatin. We present a model, in which RAD51AP1 anchors the DNA template through affinity for its nucleosomes to the RAD51-ssDNA nucleoprotein filament.
Project description:Cell sensing of externally applied mechanical strain through integrin-mediated adhesions is critical in development and physiology of muscle, lung, tendon, and arteries, among others. We examined the effects of strain on force transmission through the essential cytoskeletal linker talin. Using a fluorescence-based talin tension sensor (TS), we found that uniaxial stretch of cells on elastic substrates increased tension on talin, which was unexpectedly independent of the orientation of the focal adhesions relative to the direction of strain. High-resolution electron microscopy of the actin cytoskeleton revealed that stress fibers (SFs) are integrated into an isotropic network of cortical actin filaments in which filamin A (FlnA) localizes preferentially to points of intersection between SFs and cortical actin. Knockdown (KD) of FlnA resulted in more isolated, less integrated SFs. After FlnA KD, tension on talin was polarized in the direction of stretch, while FlnA reexpression restored tensional symmetry. These data demonstrate that a FlnA-dependent cortical actin network distributes applied forces over the entire cytoskeleton-matrix interface.
Project description:Mechanical stresses directly regulate the function of several proteins of the integrin-mediated focal adhesion complex as they experience intra- and extracellular forces. Kindlin is a largely overlooked member of the focal adhesion complex whose roles in cellular mechanotransduction are only recently being identified. Recent crystallographic experiments have revealed that kindlins can form dimers that bind simultaneously to two integrins, providing a mechanistic explanation of how kindlins may promote integrin activation and clustering. In this study, using the newly identified molecular structure, we modeled the response of the kindlin2 dimer in complex with integrin β1 to mechanical cytoskeletal forces on integrins. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we show that forces on integrins are directly transmitted to the kindlin2 dimerization site, resulting in a shift in an R577-S550/E553 interaction network at this site. Under force, R577 on one protomer switches from interacting with S550 to forming new hydrogen bonds with E553 on the neighboring protomer, resulting in the strengthening of the kindlin2 dimer in complex with integrin β1. This force-induced strengthening is similar to the catch-bond mechanisms that have previously been observed in other adhesion molecules. Based on our results, we propose that the kindlin2 dimer is mechanosensitive and can strengthen integrin-mediated focal adhesions under force by shifting the interactions at its dimerization sites.
Project description:The interaction between heparin and thrombin is a vital step in the blood (anti)coagulation process. Unraveling the molecular basis of the interactions is therefore extremely important in understanding the mechanisms of this complex biological process.In this study, we use a combination of an efficient thiolation chemistry of heparin, a self-assembled monolayer-based single molecule platform, and a dynamic force spectroscopy to provide new insights into the heparin-thrombin interaction from an energy viewpoint at the molecular scale.Well-separated single molecules of heparin covalently attached to mixed self-assembled monolayers are demonstrated, whereby interaction forces with thrombin can be measured via atomic force microscopy-based spectroscopy. Further these interactions are studied at different loading rates and salt concentrations to directly obtain kinetic parameters.An increase in the loading rate shows a higher interaction force between the heparin and thrombin, which can be directly linked to the kinetic dissociation rate constant (koff). The stability of the heparin/thrombin complex decreased with increasing NaCl concentration such that the off-rate was found to be driven primarily by non-ionic forces.These results contribute to understanding the role of specific and nonspecific forces that drive heparin-thrombin interactions under applied force or flow conditions.
Project description:The APOBEC3 family of DNA cytosine deaminases functions to block the spread of endogenous retroelements and retroviruses including HIV-1. Potency varies among family members depending on the type of parasitic substrate. APOBEC3A (A3A) is unique among the human enzymes in that it is expressed predominantly in myeloid lineage cell types, it is strongly induced by innate immune agonists such as type 1 interferon, and it has the capacity to accommodate both normal and 5-methyl cytosine nucleobases. Here we apply atomic force microscopy (AFM) to characterize the interaction between A3A and single- and double-stranded DNA using a hybrid DNA approach in which a single-stranded region is flanked by defined length duplexes. AFM image analyses reveal A3A binding to single-stranded DNA, and that this interaction becomes most evident (∼80% complex yield) at high protein-to-DNA ratios (at least 100∶1). A3A is predominantly monomeric when bound to single-stranded DNA, and it is also monomeric in solution at concentrations as high as 50 nM. These properties agree well with recent, biochemical, biophysical, and structural studies. However, these characteristics contrast with those of the related enzyme APOBEC3G, which in similar assays can exist as a monomer but tends to form oligomers in a concentration-dependent manner. These AFM data indicate that A3A has intrinsic biophysical differences that distinguish it from APOBEC3G. The potential relationships between these properties and biological functions in innate immunity are discussed.
Project description:BACKGROUND:Several daily living activities require people to coordinate the motion and the force produced by both arms, using their position sense and sense of effort. However, to date, the interaction in bimanual tasks has not been extensively investigated. METHODS:We focused on bimanual tasks where subjects were required: (Experiment 1) to move their hands until reaching the same position - equal hand position implied identical arm configurations in joint space - under different loading conditions;(Experiment 2) to produce the same amount of isometric force by pushing upward, with their hands placed in symmetric or asymmetric positions. The arm motions and forces required for accomplishing these tasks were in the vertical direction. We enrolled a healthy population of 20 subjects for Experiment 1 and 25 for Experiment 2. Our primary outcome was the systematic difference between the two hands at the end of each trial in terms of position for Experiment 1 and force for Experiment 2. In both experiments using repeated measure ANOVA we evaluated the effect of each specific condition, namely loading in the former case and hand configuration in the latter. RESULTS:In the first experiment, the difference between the hands' positions was greater when they were concurrently loaded with different weights. Conversely, in the second experiment, when subjects were asked to exert equal forces with both arms, the systematic difference between left and right force was not influenced by symmetric or asymmetric arm configurations, but by the position of the left hand, regardless of the right hand position. The performance was better when the left hand was in the higher position. CONCLUSIONS:The experiments report the reciprocal interaction between position sense and sense of effort inbimanual tasks performed by healthy subjects. Apart for the intrinsic interest for a better understanding of basic sensorimotor processes, the results are also relevant to clinical applications, for defining functional evaluation and rehabilitative protocols for people with neurological diseases or conditions that impair the ability to sense and control concurrently position and force.