Markevich2004 - MAPK double phosphorylation, ordered Michaelis-Menton
Ontology highlight
Markevich2004 - MAPK double phosphorylation,
ordered Michaelis-Menton
The model corresponds to the schemas 1
and 2 of Markevich et al 2004, as described in the figure 1 and
modelled using Michaelis-Menten like kinetics. Phosphorylations and
dephosphorylations follow distributive ordered kinetics. It
reproduces figure 3 of the main article.
This model is described in the article:
Signaling switches and
bistability arising from multisite phosphorylation in protein
kinase cascades.
Markevich NI, Hoek JB, Kholodenko
J. Cell Biol. 2004 Feb; 164(3):
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades can operate
as bistable switches residing in either of two different stable
states. MAPK cascades are often embedded in positive feedback
loops, which are considered to be a prerequisite for bistable
behavior. Here we demonstrate that in the absence of any
imposed feedback regulation, bistability and hysteresis can
arise solely from a distributive kinetic mechanism of the
two-site MAPK phosphorylation and dephosphorylation.
Importantly, the reported kinetic properties of the kinase
(MEK) and phosphatase (MKP3) of extracellular signal-regulated
kinase (ERK) fulfill the essential requirements for generating
a bistable switch at a single MAPK cascade level. Likewise, a
cycle where multisite phosphorylations are performed by
different kinases, but dephosphorylation reactions are
catalyzed by the same phosphatase, can also exhibit bistability
and hysteresis. Hence, bistability induced by multisite
covalent modification may be a widespread mechanism of the
control of protein activity.
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Nicolas Le Novère
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000027 | BioModels | 2024-09-02