Martins2013 - True and apparent inhibition of amyloid fribril formation
Ontology highlight
Martins2013 - True and apparent inhibition of
amyloid fribril formation
This model is described in the article:
True and apparent inhibition
of amyloid fibril formation.
Martins PM.
Prion 2013 Mar-Apr; 7(2): 136-139
A possible therapeutic strategy for amyloid diseases
involves the use of small molecule compounds to inhibit protein
assembly into insoluble aggregates. According to the recently
proposed Crystallization-Like Model, the kinetics of amyloid
fibrillization can be retarded by decreasing the frequency of
new fibril formation or by decreasing the elongation rate of
existing fibrils. To the compounds that affect the nucleation
and/or the growth steps we call true inhibitors. An apparent
inhibition mechanism may however result from the alteration of
thermodynamic properties such as the solubility of the
amyloidogenic protein. Apparent inhibitors markedly influence
protein aggregation kinetics measured in vitro, yet they are
likely to lead to disappointing results when tested in vivo.
This is because cells and tissues media are in general much
more buffered against small variations in composition than the
solutions prepared in lab. Here we show how to discriminate
between true and apparent inhibition mechanisms from
experimental data on protein aggregation kinetics. The goal is
to be able to identify false positives much earlier during the
drug development process.
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DISEASE(S): Alzheimer's Disease,Prion Disease,Parkinson's Disease
Audald Lloret i Villas
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000561 | BioModels | 2024-09-02