Invergo2014 - Phototransduction cascade in mouse rod cells
Ontology highlight
Invergo2014 - Phototransduction cascade in
mouse rod cells
This model is described in the article:
A comprehensive model of the
phototransduction cascade in mouse rod cells.
Invergo BM, Dell'Orco D, Montanucci
L, Koch KW, Bertranpetit J.
Mol Biosyst 2014 Jun; 10(6):
Vertebrate visual phototransduction is perhaps the most
well-studied G-protein signaling pathway. A wealth of available
biochemical and electrophysiological data has resulted in a
rich history of mathematical modeling of the system. However,
while the most comprehensive models have relied upon amphibian
biochemical and electrophysiological data, modern research
typically employs mammalian species, particularly mice, which
exhibit significantly faster signaling dynamics. In this work,
we present an adaptation of a previously published,
comprehensive model of amphibian phototransduction that can
produce quantitatively accurate simulations of the murine
photoresponse. We demonstrate the ability of the model to
predict responses to a wide range of stimuli and under a
variety of mutant conditions. Finally, we employ the model to
highlight a likely unknown mechanism related to the interaction
between rhodopsin and rhodopsin kinase.
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Brandon Invergo
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000578 | BioModels | 2024-09-02