Leber2016 - Expanded model of Tfh-Tfr differentiation - Helicobacter pylori infection
Ontology highlight
Leber2016 - Expanded model of Tfh-Tfr
differentiation - Helicobacter pylori infection
The parameters used in the model were
obtained from experiments conducted by the authors, previous
publications [
3] and
parameter optimisation carried out in the paper using particle
swarm and genetic algorithms.
This model is described in the article:
Bistability analyses of CD4+
T follicular helper and regulatory cells during Helicobacter
pylori infection.
Leber A, Abedi V, Hontecillas R,
Viladomiu M, Hoops S, Ciupe S, Caughman J, Andrew T,
Bassaganya-Riera J.
J. Theor. Biol. 2016 Jun; 398:
T follicular helper (Tfh) cells are a highly plastic subset
of CD4+ T cells specialized in providing B cell help and
promoting inflammatory and effector responses during infectious
and immune-mediate diseases. Helicobacter pylori is the
dominant member of the gastric microbiota and exerts both
beneficial and harmful effects on the host. Chronic
inflammation in the context of H. pylori has been linked to an
upregulation in T helper (Th)1 and Th17 CD4+ T cell phenotypes,
controlled in part by the cytokine, interleukin-21. This study
investigates the differentiation and regulation of Tfh cells,
major producers of IL-21, in the immune response to H. pylori
challenge. To better understand the conditions influencing the
promotion and inhibition of a chronically elevated Tfh
population, we used top-down and bottom-up approaches to
develop computational models of Tfh and T follicular regulatory
(Tfr) cell differentiation. Stability analysis was used to
characterize the presence of two bi-stable steady states in the
calibrated Tfh/Tfr models. Stochastic simulation was used to
illustrate the ability of the parameter set to dictate two
distinct behavioral patterns. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis
helped identify the importance of various parameters on the
establishment of Tfh and Tfr cell populations. The core network
model was expanded into a more comprehensive and predictive
model by including cytokine production and signaling pathways.
From the expanded network, the interaction between TGFB-Induced
Factor Homeobox 1 (Tgif1) and the retinoid X receptor (RXR) was
displayed to exert control over the determination of the Tfh
response. Model simulations predict that Tgif1 and RXR
respectively induce and curtail Tfh responses. This
computational hypothesis was validated experimentally by
assaying Tgif1, RXR and Tfh in stomachs of mice infected with
H. pylori.
The impulse of RXR as shown in the paper
(figure 7C) can be implemented by creating an event in the curated
SBML file.
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DISEASE(S): Duodenal Ulcer,Peptic Ulcer Disease
Andrew Leber
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000625 | BioModels | 2024-09-02