Araujo2016 - Positive feedback in Cdk1 signalling keeps mitotic duration short and constant
Ontology highlight
Araujo2016 - Positive feedback in Cdk1
signalling keeps mitotic duration short and constant
This model is described in the article:
Positive Feedback Keeps
Duration of Mitosis Temporally Insulated from Upstream
Cell-Cycle Events.
Araujo AR, Gelens L, Sheriff RS,
Santos SD.
Mol. Cell 2016 Oct; 64(2):
Cell division is characterized by a sequence of events by
which a cell gives rise to two daughter cells. Quantitative
measurements of cell-cycle dynamics in single cells showed that
despite variability in G1-, S-, and G2 phases, duration of
mitosis is short and remarkably constant. Surprisingly, there
is no correlation between cell-cycle length and mitotic
duration, suggesting that mitosis is temporally insulated from
variability in earlier cell-cycle phases. By combining live
cell imaging and computational modeling, we showed that
positive feedback is the molecular mechanism underlying the
temporal insulation of mitosis. Perturbing positive feedback
gave rise to a sluggish, variable entry and progression through
mitosis and uncoupled duration of mitosis from variability in
cell cycle length. We show that positive feedback is important
to keep mitosis short, constant, and temporally insulated and
anticipate it might be a commonly used regulatory strategy to
create modularity in other biological systems.
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Rahuman S Malik-Sheriff
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000657 | BioModels | 2024-09-02