This a model from the article:
A rabbit ventricular action potential model replicating cardiac dynamics at
rapid heart rates.
Mahajan A, Shiferaw Y, Sato D, Baher A, Olcese R, Xie LH, Yang MJ, Chen PS,
Restrepo JG, Karma A, Garfinkel A, Qu Z, Weiss JN. Biophys J
2008 Jan 15;94(2):392-410 18160660
Mathematical modeling of the cardiac action potential has proven to be a
powerful tool for illuminating various aspects of cardiac function, including
cardiac arrhythmias. However, no currently available detailed action potential
model accurately reproduces the dynamics of the cardiac action potential and
intracellular calcium (Ca(i)) cycling at rapid heart rates relevant to
ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation. The aim of this study was to develop
such a model. Using an existing rabbit ventricular action potential model, we
modified the L-type calcium (Ca) current (I(Ca,L)) and Ca(i) cycling
formulations based on new experimental patch-clamp data obtained in isolated
rabbit ventricular myocytes, using the perforated patch configuration at 35-37
degrees C. Incorporating a minimal seven-state Markovian model of I(Ca,L) that
reproduced Ca- and voltage-dependent kinetics in combination with our previously
published dynamic Ca(i) cycling model, the new model replicates experimentally
observed action potential duration and Ca(i) transient alternans at rapid heart
rates, and accurately reproduces experimental action potential duration
restitution curves obtained by either dynamic or S1S2 pacing.
This model was taken from the CellML repository
and automatically converted to SBML.
The original model was:
Mahajan A, Shiferaw Y, Sato D, Baher A, Olcese R, Xie LH, Yang MJ, Chen PS,
Restrepo JG, Karma A, Garfinkel A, Qu Z, Weiss JN. (2008) - version=1.0
The original CellML model was created by:
Penny Noble
The University of Oxford
This model originates from BioModels Database: A Database of Annotated Published Models (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels/). It is copyright (c) 2005-2011 The BioModels.net Team.
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