Munz2009 - Zombie basic SZR
This is the basic SZR model for zombie infection.
It is based on a classic mathematical model in epidemiology, the SIR model, which divides the population in three classes (Susceptible, Infectious, and Recovered) to predict the behaviour of an infection over the course of time. Here, the SZR model divides the population into Susceptible, Zombie, and Removed.
This model was originally created by libAntimony v1.4 (using libSBML 3.4.1).
This model is described in the article:
When zombies attack!: Mathematical modelling of an outbreak of zombie infection
P. Munz, I. Hudea, J. Imad and R.J. Smith?
Infectious Disease Modelling Research Progress 2009, chapter 4, pp 133-150. Editors: Jean Michel Tchuenche and C. Chiyaka; Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, USA.
Zombies are a popular figure in pop culture/entertainment and they are usually portrayed as being brought about through an outbreak or epidemic. Consequently, we model a zombie attack, using biological assumptions based on popular zombie movies. We introduce a basic model for zombie infection, determine equilibria and their stability, and illustrate the outcome with numerical solutions. We then refine the model to introduce a latent period of zombification, whereby humans are infected, but not infectious, before becoming undead. We then modify the model to include the effects of possible quarantine or a cure. Finally, we examine the impact of regular, impulsive reductions in the number of zombies and derive conditions under which eradication can occur. We show that only quick, aggressive attacks can stave off the doomsday scenario: the collapse of society as zombies overtake us all.
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and identified by: MODEL1009230000
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