This model is from the article:
An old paper revisited: ‘‘A mathematical model of carbohydrate energy
metabolism. Interaction between glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the
H-transporting shuttles at varying ATPases load’’ by V.V. Dynnik,
R. Heinrich and E.E. Sel’kov
Nazaret C, Mazat JP. J Theor Biol
2008 Jun;252(3):520-9. 18304584
We revisit an old Russian paper by V.V. Dynnik, R. Heinrich and E.E. Sel’kov (1980a, b) describing: ‘‘A mathematical model of
carbohydrate energy metabolism. Interaction between glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the H-transporting shuttles at varying ATPases
load’’. We analyse the model mathematically and calculate the control coefficients as a function of ATPase loads. We also evaluate the
structure of the metabolic network in terms of elementary flux modes.
We show how this model can respond to an ATPase load as well as to the glucose supply. We also show how this simple model can
help in understanding the articulation between the major blocks of energetic metabolism, i.e. glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the
H-transporting shuttles.
created directly from "heinrich.sci" model file provided by Christine Nazaret
IDs changed to as per the paper
initial conditions set to steady state
results of Fig. 3 may be reproduced by running a a parameter scan over b15 in COPASI
rescaled species such as s2_e1 = s2 * e1
are introduced whose evolution may be described through reaction participation, rather than via ODEs
original variables are retained as global parameters
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