D1 LTP time window
Ontology highlight
Nair2016 - Integration of calcium and
dopamine signals by D1R-expressing medium-sized spiny neurons
This model is described in the article:
Role of DARPP-32 and ARPP-21
in the Emergence of Temporal Constraints on Striatal Calcium
and Dopamine Integration.
Nair AG, Bhalla US, Hellgren
Kotaleski J.
PLoS Comput. Biol. 2016 Sep; 12(9):
In reward learning, the integration of NMDA-dependent
calcium and dopamine by striatal projection neurons leads to
potentiation of corticostriatal synapses through CaMKII/PP1
signaling. In order to elicit the CaMKII/PP1-dependent
response, the calcium and dopamine inputs should arrive in
temporal proximity and must follow a specific (dopamine after
calcium) order. However, little is known about the cellular
mechanism which enforces these temporal constraints on the
signal integration. In this computational study, we propose
that these temporal requirements emerge as a result of the
coordinated signaling via two striatal phosphoproteins,
DARPP-32 and ARPP-21. Specifically, DARPP-32-mediated signaling
could implement an input-interval dependent gating function,
via transient PP1 inhibition, thus enforcing the requirement
for temporal proximity. Furthermore, ARPP-21 signaling could
impose the additional input-order requirement of calcium and
dopamine, due to its Ca2+/calmodulin sequestering property when
dopamine arrives first. This highlights the possible role of
phosphoproteins in the temporal aspects of striatal signal
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Anu G Nair
PROVIDER: MODEL1603270000 | BioModels | 2016-09-16