Sanchez2017 - Inflammatory responses during acute hyperinsulinemia
This model is described in the article:
The CD4+ T cell regulatory
network mediates inflammatory responses during acute
hyperinsulinemia: a simulation study
Mariana E. Martinez-Sanchez, Marcia
Hiriart, Elena R. Alvarez-Buylla
BMC Systems Biology
Obesity is frequently linked to insulin resistance, high
insulin levels, chronic inflammation, and alterations in the
behaviour of CD4+ T cells. Despite the biomedical importance of
this condition, the system-level mechanisms that alter CD4+ T
cell differentiation and plasticity are not well understood. We
model how hyperinsulinemia alters the dynamics of the CD4+ T
regulatory network, and this, in turn, modulates cell
differentiation and plasticity. Different polarizing
microenvironments are simulated under basal and high levels of
insulin to assess impacts on cell-fate attainment and
robustness in response to transient perturbations. In the
presence of high levels of insulin Th1 and Th17 become more
stable to transient perturbations, and their basin sizes are
augmented, Tr1 cells become less stable or disappear, while
TGF? producing cells remain unaltered. Hence, the model
provides a dynamic system-level framework and explanation to
further understand the documented and apparently paradoxical
role of TGF? in both inflammation and regulation of immune
responses, as well as the emergence of the adipose Treg
phenotype. Furthermore, our simulations provide new predictions
on the impact of the microenvironment in the coexistence of the
different cell types, suggesting that in pro-Th1, pro-Th2 and
pro-Th17 environments effector and regulatory cells can
coexist, but that high levels of insulin severely diminish
regulatory cells, especially in a pro-Th17 environment. This
work provides a first step towards a system-level formal and
dynamic framework to integrate further experimental data in the
study of complex inflammatory diseases.
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