Guisoni2016 - Cis-regulatory system (CRS) can drive sustained oscillations
Ontology highlight
Guisoni2016 - Cis-regulatory system (CRS) can
drive sustained oscillations
This model is described in the article:
Promoters Architecture-Based
Mechanism for Noise-Induced Oscillations in a Single-Gene
Guisoni N, Monteoliva D, Diambra
PLoS ONE 2016; 11(3): e0151086
It is well known that single-gene circuits with negative
feedback loop can lead to oscillatory gene expression when they
operate with time delay. In order to generate these
oscillations many processes can contribute to properly timing
such delay. Here we show that the time delay coming from the
transitions between internal states of the cis-regulatory
system (CRS) can drive sustained oscillations in an
auto-repressive single-gene circuit operating in a small volume
like a cell. We found that the cooperative binding of repressor
molecules is not mandatory for a oscillatory behavior if there
are enough binding sites in the CRS. These oscillations depend
on an adequate balance between the CRS kinetic, and the
synthesis/degradation rates of repressor molecules. This
finding suggest that the multi-site CRS architecture can play a
key role for oscillatory behavior of gene expression. Finally,
our results can also help to synthetic biologists on the design
of the promoters architecture for new genetic oscillatory
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Luis Diambra
PROVIDER: MODEL1611030000 | BioModels | 2016-11-03