Peyraud2016 - Metabolic reconstruction (iRP1476) of Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000
Ontology highlight
Peyraud2016 - Metabolic reconstruction
(iRP1476) of Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000
This model is described in the article:
A Resource Allocation
Trade-Off between Virulence and Proliferation Drives Metabolic
Versatility in the Plant Pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum.
Peyraud R, Cottret L, Marmiesse L,
Gouzy J, Genin S.
PLoS Pathog. 2016 Oct; 12(10):
Bacterial pathogenicity relies on a proficient metabolism
and there is increasing evidence that metabolic adaptation to
exploit host resources is a key property of infectious
organisms. In many cases, colonization by the pathogen also
implies an intensive multiplication and the necessity to
produce a large array of virulence factors, which may represent
a significant cost for the pathogen. We describe here the
existence of a resource allocation trade-off mechanism in the
plant pathogen R. solanacearum. We generated a genome-scale
reconstruction of the metabolic network of R. solanacearum,
together with a macromolecule network module accounting for the
production and secretion of hundreds of virulence determinants.
By using a combination of constraint-based modeling and
metabolic flux analyses, we quantified the metabolic cost for
production of exopolysaccharides, which are critical for
disease symptom production, and other virulence factors. We
demonstrated that this trade-off between virulence factor
production and bacterial proliferation is controlled by the
quorum-sensing-dependent regulatory protein PhcA. A phcA mutant
is avirulent but has a better growth rate than the wild-type
strain. Moreover, a phcA mutant has an expanded metabolic
versatility, being able to metabolize 17 substrates more than
the wild-type. Model predictions indicate that metabolic
pathways are optimally oriented towards proliferation in a phcA
mutant and we show that this enhanced metabolic versatility in
phcA mutants is to a large extent a consequence of not paying
the cost for virulence. This analysis allowed identifying
candidate metabolic substrates having a substantial impact on
bacterial growth during infection. Interestingly, the
substrates supporting well both production of virulence factors
and growth are those found in higher amount within the plant
host. These findings also provide an explanatory basis to the
well-known emergence of avirulent variants in R. solanacearum
populations in planta or in stressful environments.
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SUBMITTER: Ludovic Cottret
PROVIDER: MODEL1612020000 | BioModels | 2016-12-05