DallePezze2016 - Activation of AMPK and mTOR
by amino acids (Model 2)
model is as described in the Supplementary Software 2 of the
reference publication:
model including four amino acids input in the network (simple
p70-S6K module).
This model is described in the article:
A systems study reveals
concurrent activation of AMPK and mTOR by amino acids.
Dalle Pezze P, Ruf S, Sonntag AG,
Langelaar-Makkinje M, Hall P, Heberle AM, Razquin Navas P, van
Eunen K, Tölle RC, Schwarz JJ, Wiese H, Warscheid B,
Deitersen J, Stork B, Fäßler E, Schäuble S, Hahn
U, Horvatovich P, Shanley DP, Thedieck K.
Nat Commun 2016 Nov; 7: 13254
Amino acids (aa) are not only building blocks for proteins,
but also signalling molecules, with the mammalian target of
rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) acting as a key mediator. However,
little is known about whether aa, independently of mTORC1,
activate other kinases of the mTOR signalling network. To
delineate aa-stimulated mTOR network dynamics, we here combine
a computational-experimental approach with text mining-enhanced
quantitative proteomics. We report that AMP-activated protein
kinase (AMPK), phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and mTOR
complex 2 (mTORC2) are acutely activated by aa-readdition in an
mTORC1-independent manner. AMPK activation by aa is mediated by
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase ? (CaMKK?). In
response, AMPK impinges on the autophagy regulators Unc-51-like
kinase-1 (ULK1) and c-Jun. AMPK is widely recognized as an
mTORC1 antagonist that is activated by starvation. We find that
aa acutely activate AMPK concurrently with mTOR. We show that
AMPK under aa sufficiency acts to sustain autophagy. This may
be required to maintain protein homoeostasis and deliver
metabolite intermediates for biosynthetic processes.
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