Masison2024 - Enterocyte Iron Mucosal Block
Ontology highlight
Enterocyte Iron Mucosal Block
This is a model of enterocyte iron absorption, consisting of iron uptake (movement of iron from intestinal lumen into cytplasm), and transfer (transport of iron from cytoplasm to blood/plasma). The model was created by Joseph Masison and Pedro Mendes.
Intestinal mucosal block is a cellular phenomenon defined by a transient reduction in iron absorption by intestinal epithelial cells following previous iron exposures. Understanding what controls the mucosal block is central to understanding how intestinal iron absorption contributes to pathological iron states. Three mechanisms implicated in driving mucosal block are the endocytosis of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1), sequestration of iron by cytosolic ferritin, and iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) regulation of ferritin expression.
Here, we build a model that reproduces the mucosal block phenomena, based on published experimental data, and use it to quantify the contribution of each mechanism to the block. Model analysis shows ferritin and IRPs regulation have the largest quantitative impact on the mucosal block. Lastly, DMT1 endocytosis is shown to play a role in limiting total enterocyte iron uptake, protecting the cell against oxidative stress, but does not contribute to the decrease in total iron transfer seen in mucosal block.
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Pedro Mendes
PROVIDER: MODEL2405170001 | BioModels | 2025-02-11