Project description:Cycloheximide treatment of cotton ovules Keywords: Antibiotic Treatment Single timepoint, 6 slides, 3 Biological replicates, each biological replicate having 2 technical replicates. Dyes were swapped between technical replicates.
Project description:Genomic approaches to the discovery of promoters for sustained expression in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under field conditions: expression analysis in transgenic cotton and Arabidopsis of a Rubisco small subunit promoter identified using EST sequence analysis and cDNA microarrays. RNAs from 8-week old plants were compared to RNAs from 10-, 14-, 20- and 22-week old plants on separate arrays each with a dye swap. The 20 and 22 weeks hybridisations each had a biological replicate (each with a dye swap) as well as a second independent hybridisation (with dye swap) with one of the 22 week RNAs. One of the 22-week slides was of low quality and had to be discarded.
Project description:Cotton ovule development, mutant vs wild type, Comparisons of DP16 0 dpa ovule Keywords: WildType vs Mutant 7 comparisons and one 0 dpa control. The 1A/DP16 & 4A/DP16 comparisons have 8 slides each, 4 Biological replicates, each biological replicate having 2 technical replicates. Dyes were swapped between technical replicates. The SL1-7-1/DP16 comparison has 6 slides, 3 Biological replicates, each biological replicate having 2 technical replicates. Dyes were swapped between technical replicates. The 5B/DP16, fl/Xu-142, OI/II+N & 53/DP16 comparisons have 4 slides each, 2 Biological replicates, each biological replicate having 2 technical replicates. Dyes were swapped between technical replicates. The 0 dpa control experiment has 3 slides , 3 Biological replicates, no technical replicates and no dye swapping.
Project description:GLB1, a class 1 haemoglobin gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (GLB1) is essential for plant survival following hypoxic stress. Keywords = haemoglobin, hypoxic stress, stress