Project description:Cycloheximide treatment of cotton ovules Keywords: Antibiotic Treatment Single timepoint, 6 slides, 3 Biological replicates, each biological replicate having 2 technical replicates. Dyes were swapped between technical replicates.
Project description:Genomic approaches to the discovery of promoters for sustained expression in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under field conditions: expression analysis in transgenic cotton and Arabidopsis of a Rubisco small subunit promoter identified using EST sequence analysis and cDNA microarrays. RNAs from 8-week old plants were compared to RNAs from 10-, 14-, 20- and 22-week old plants on separate arrays each with a dye swap. The 20 and 22 weeks hybridisations each had a biological replicate (each with a dye swap) as well as a second independent hybridisation (with dye swap) with one of the 22 week RNAs. One of the 22-week slides was of low quality and had to be discarded.
Project description:Cotton ovule development, mutant vs wild type, Comparisons of DP16 0 dpa ovule Keywords: WildType vs Mutant 7 comparisons and one 0 dpa control. The 1A/DP16 & 4A/DP16 comparisons have 8 slides each, 4 Biological replicates, each biological replicate having 2 technical replicates. Dyes were swapped between technical replicates. The SL1-7-1/DP16 comparison has 6 slides, 3 Biological replicates, each biological replicate having 2 technical replicates. Dyes were swapped between technical replicates. The 5B/DP16, fl/Xu-142, OI/II+N & 53/DP16 comparisons have 4 slides each, 2 Biological replicates, each biological replicate having 2 technical replicates. Dyes were swapped between technical replicates. The 0 dpa control experiment has 3 slides , 3 Biological replicates, no technical replicates and no dye swapping.
Project description:GLB1, a class 1 haemoglobin gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (GLB1) is essential for plant survival following hypoxic stress. Keywords = haemoglobin, hypoxic stress, stress
Project description:Comparison of pre and post metamorphis phases of cane toad Keywords: Developmental Stages Samples were harvested at 9, 18, 28 (pre-metamorph), 30 and 53 (post-metamorph) days of age and RNA extracted using Trizol Reagent (Invitrogen). Total RNA (100 mg) was reverse transcribed (Qiagen) and labelled cDNA probes were generated using the fluorophores, Cy3 and Cy5 (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). Prehybridization of slides, application of the probe to the microarray slides, hybridisation, and subsequent washing steps were performed according to manufacturer's instructions (Corning Microarray Technology). Slides were scanned and analysed with a GenePix 4000B laser scanner and GenePix 3.0 and 4.0 software (Axon Instruments).