Project description:The experiment aims to identify regulatory miRNA networks influencing mRNA profiles in oral lichen planus (OLP). RNA and miRNA were extracted simultaneously using miRVana (Ambion, Life Technologies). Sample and array processing was carried out according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Affymetrix raw data was processed using AGCC Expression Console 1.1 (Affymetrix), employing RMA normalization. Linking miRNA and mRNA was performed with a correlation analysis, while a false discovery rate was used to exclude false-positive correlations between miRNAs and their predicted targets. 7 cases (OLP) and 7 controls (healthy individuals). Genome wide mRNA and miRNA screening, linking both datasets (see summary).
Project description:The experiment aims to identify regulatory miRNA networks influencing mRNA profiles in oral lichen planus (OLP). RNA and miRNA were extracted simultaniously using miRVana (Ambion, Life Technologies). Sample and array processing was carried out according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Affymetrix raw data was processed using AGCC Expression Console 1.1 (Affymetrix), employing RMA normalization. Linking miRNA and mRNA was performed with a correlation analysis, while a false discovery rate was used to exclude false-positive correlations between miRNAs and their predicted targets. 7 cases (OLP) and 7 controls (healthy individuals). Genome wide mRNA and miRNA screening, linking both datasets (see summary).
Project description:Background and aims. The etiopathology of inflammatory bowel diseases is still poorly understood. To date, only few little data are available on the microbiota composition in ulcerative colitis (UC), representing a major subform of inflammatory bowel diseases. Currently, one of the main challenges is to unravel the interactions between genetics and environmental factors in the onset or during the progression and maintenance of the disease. The aim of the present study was to analyse twin pairs discordant for UC for both gut microbiota dysbiosis and host expression profiles at a mucosal level and to get insight into the functional genomic crosstalk between microbiota and mucosal epithelium in vivo. Methods. Biopsies were sampled from the sigmoid colon of both healthy and diseased siblings from UC discordant twin pairs but also from healthy twins. Microbiota profiles were assessed by 16S rDNA libraries while mRNA expression profiles were analysed from the same volunteers using Affymetrix microarrays. Results. UC patients showed a dysbiotic microbiota with lower diversity and more species belonging to Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria phyla. On the contrary, their healthy siblingsM-bM-^@M-^Y microbiota contained more bacteria from the Lachnospiracea and Ruminococcaceae family than did healthy individuals . Sixty-three host transcripts significantly correlated with bacterial genera in healthy individuals whereas only 43 and 32 correlated with bacteria in healthy and UC siblings from discordant pairs, respectively. Several transcripts related to oxidative and immune responses were differentially expressed between unaffected and UC siblings. Conclusion. A loss of crosstalk between gut microbiota and host was highlighted in UC patients. This defect was also striking in healthy siblings from discordant pairs, as was the lower biodiversity within the microbiota. Our results suggest disease-relevant interactions between host transcriptome and microbiota. Moreover, unusual aerobic bacteria were noticed in UC mucosal microbiota, whereas healthy siblings from discordant pairs had higher percentages of potentially beneficialusual commensal bacterial species. Paired samples (twins) were analyzed to obtain data independent of genetic variation
Project description:The experiment aims to identify transcriptional effects of Infliximab (an anti-TNF antibody) and CDP870 on human cell lines Results were generated using 3 timepoints: 0h, 6h, and 24h with each stimuli. 3 biological replicates in each of the 5 groups: oh control; 6h IFX; 24h IFX; 6h CDP870; 24h CDP870
Project description:Identification of genes that are differentially regulated in fibroblasts derived from dysplastic oral mucosa and oral squamous cell carcinoma compared to fibroblasts derived from normal oral mucosa. Affymetrix microarrays were used to define differential gene expression. Populations of fibroblasts were isolated from human normal oral mucosa, oral dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma, maintained in 3D collagen I biomatrices, RNA extracted and processed for Affymetrix arrays. Fibroblasts maintained as monolayers were also included as comparators.
Project description:Patients with oral preneoplastic lesion (OPL) have high risk of developing oral cancer. Although certain risk factors such as smoking status and histology are known, our ability to predict oral cancer risk remains poor. The study objective was to determine the value of gene expression profiling in predicting oral cancer development. Gene expression profile was measured in 86 of 162 OPL patients who were enrolled in a clinical chemoprevention trial that used the incidence of oral cancer development as a prespecified endpoint. The median follow-up time was 6.08 years and 35 of the 86 patients developed oral cancer over the course. Gene expression profiles were associated with oral cancer-free survival and used to develope multivariate predictive models for oral cancer prediction. We developed a 29-transcript predictive model which showed marked improvement in terms of prediction accuracy (with 8% predicting error rate) over the models using previously known clinico-pathological risk factors. Based on the gene expression profile data, we also identified 2182 transcripts significantly associated with oral cancer risk associated genes (P-value<0.01, single variate Cox proportional hazards model). Functional pathway analysis revealed proteasome machinery, MYC, and ribosomes components as the top gene sets associated with oral cancer risk. In multiple independent datasets, the expression profiles of the genes can differentiate head and neck cancer from normal mucosa. Our results show that gene expression profiles may improve the prediction of oral cancer risk in OPL patients and the significant genes identified may serve as potential targets for oral cancer chemoprevention. Gene expression profile was measured in 86 of 162 OPL patients who were enrolled in a clinical chemoprevention trial that used the incidence of oral cancer development as a prespecified endpoint. The median follow-up time was 6.08 years and 35 of the 86 patients developed oral cancer over the course. Gene expression profiles were associated with oral cancer-free survival and used to develope multivariate predictive models for oral cancer prediction.
Project description:Expansion of circulating CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) T-cells in a disease context is poorly understood. The study aims to identify mechanisms which may drive expansion of CD4+CD8+ double positive t-cells in GPA. PBMCs from 3 GPA patients and 3 healthy controls were used to generate mRNA profiles from CCD4+CD8+ double positive T-cells in a disease context
Project description:The experiment aims to identify miRNAs that are regulated in response to TRAIL R1 si-RNA and TRAIL R2 si-RNA. The overall aim of the study was to identify mechanisms by which TRAIL death receptors may contribute to malignancy via inhibition of let-7 maturation. Comparison of TRAIL R1 si-RNA vs. control si-RNA and comparison of TRAIL R2 si-RNA vs. control
Project description:Injuries of the vocal folds frequently heal with scar formation, which can have lifelong detrimental impact on voice quality. Current treatments to prevent or resolve scars of the vocal fold mucosa are highly unsatisfactory. In contrast, the adjacent oral mucosa is mostly resistant to scarring. These differences in healing tendency might relate to distinct properties of the fibroblasts populating oral and vocal fold mucosae. We thus established the in vitro cultivation of paired, near-primary vocal fold fibroblasts (VFF) and oral mucosa fibroblasts (OMF) to perform a basic cellular characterization and comparative cellular proteomics. VFF were significantly larger than OMF, proliferated more slowly, and exhibited a sustained TGF-β1-induced elevation of pro-fibrotic interleukin 6. Cluster analysis of the proteomic data revealed distinct protein repertoires specific for VFF and OMF. Further, VFF displayed a broader protein spectrum, particularly a more sophisticated array of factors constituting and modifying the extracellular matrix. Conversely, subsets of OMF-enriched proteins were linked to cellular proliferation, nuclear events, and protection against oxidative stress. Altogether, this study supports the notion that fibroblasts sensitively adapt to the functional peculiarities of their respective anatomical location and presents several molecular targets for further investigation in the context of vocal fold wound healing.