
Dataset Information


ScRNAseq of gastric tumors and adjacent mucosa from Twist2Cre;Lkb1fl/+;Rosa26RTdtomato/+ mice

ABSTRACT: 5000 target cells per sample where sequenced from 2 gastric tumor samples and 1 sample of adjacent gastric mucosa Twist2Cre;Lkb1fl/+;RosaRTdtomato+/- mice. Drop-seq 10X Genomics (10X v3 library kit) was used for single cell barcoding and library preparation. Samples were sequenced with Novaseq6000.

INSTRUMENT(S): Illumina NovaSeq 6000

ORGANISM(S): Mus musculus

SUBMITTER: Eva Domènech-Moreno 

PROVIDER: E-MTAB-13624 | biostudies-arrayexpress |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-arrayexpress

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